James Governor's Monkchips

Mi3M episode 4 making significant progress. airports and web scale renewables

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Last week a few things caught my eye in the world of renewable energy – we’re making so much rapid progress in that respect there is real cause of optimism. An Indian airport running 100% on solar, Portugal making all the running as a global post Carbon leader, and new commitments from Microsoft to renewable energy.

On the other hand I was waxing on this stuff back in 2009, so progress is slower than needed.

It seems to that we’re facing an economy of scale problem here- and frankly if Goog and M$ didn’t know energy was an issue they wouldn’t be building on rivers, and investing in wind farms

Economies of scale come with a direct measurable cost – Apple’s data investment in Ireland, is projected to potentially increase the country’s energy consumption by 8%. It will be up Ireland to work with Apple to ensure investments in renewable energy to support the country’s new requirements.

Meanwhile on the minus side – it’s too damn hot. Last Friday India recorded its hottest temperature ever.

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