James Governor's Monkchips

The great unbundling: remaking the economy

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Too big to fail? The obvious way to remove systemic risk is to distribute risk by taking single points of failure out of the equation. Small is beautiful. How did we kickstart the economy after the 1980s fall? Pulling apart huge conglomerates like Hanson, for one. The same needs to happen now to really get the economy moving. We need to make it a lot easier to identify winners and losers. I was expecting a lot more demerger activity already this time around, whether voluntary or enforced.

Or as Neelie Kroes, EU competition director memorably put it this week:

“Some banks Are Too Big To Fail. However no banks are too big to restructure”.

I concur.


  1. James Governor’s Monkchips » The great unbundling: remaking the … http://bit.ly/SGBk3
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  2. James Governor’s Monkchips » The great unbundling: remaking the … http://bit.ly/3DOnq6
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  3. James Governor’s Monkchips » The great unbundling: remaking the …: An industry analyst blog looking at so.. http://tinyurl.com/ybbg5g8
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  4. James Governor’s Monkchips » The great unbundling: remaking the … http://tinyurl.com/ybbg5g8
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  5. James Governor’s Monkchips » The great unbundling: remaking the …: An industry analyst blog looking at so.. http://bit.ly/pZK19
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  6. James Governor’s Monkchips » The great unbundling: remaking the … http://bit.ly/3bBhwo
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  7. James Governor’s Monkchips » The great unbundling: remaking the … http://bit.ly/1LiXOa
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  8. The great unbundling: remaking the economy http://bit.ly/WQ5rk #fb
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  9. […] for example. Financial services companies that took major state bailouts are going to be split up. The Great Unbundling offers significant opportunities, but also threats, for technology […]

  10. Hi James,

    Thanks for your blog. I’m writing to you today to let you know that JohnsonDiversey is one of 22 leading corporations partnering with the World Wildlife Fund to establish ambitious targets to voluntarily reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. I’m thrilled to share with you that during a recent webinar on their commitment to LEED certified buildings JohnsonDiversey President and CEO Ed Lonergan announced that the company has tripled their initial goal of an 8% GHG emission reduction over 2003 to 2013 – to a 25% GHG emission reduction target for this same time period! The company announced it will invest $12 million to achieve the changes, but anticipate operational savings of $32 million, demonstrating that sustainability is the right approach for both the environment and the bottom line.

    President and CEO Ed Lonergan stated that it is thanks to the individual commitments of JohnsonDiversey employees, who went above and beyond the proposed changes, that the company can triple their target goal. He also emphasized the company’s integrated bottom line – clarifying that JohnsonDiversey sees no separation between People, Planet, and Profit.

    Join this webinar on November 18th at 1:30 ET to discover how WWF Climate Saver companies JohnsonDiversey, Nokia, Johnson and Johnson, and IBM are finding innovative solutions to combat climate change and secure our energy future while increasing their bottom lines: http://www.bit.ly/WWFthrive_nov18

    We cannot rely upon government alone to make the changes we need to save our planet. Voluntary commitments by major corporations such as JohnsonDiversey show us that the private sector has a big difference to make. And so I am inviting you – to triple your own commitment to the environment on both a corporate and a personal level. If a multinational corporation operating in 175 countries can do it, so can we! Here’s an EPK to help start you out: http://www.bit.ly/JDaction

    Among the many digital assets are Take Action Banners that lead to the World Wildlife Fund’s Take Action page where you’ll learn new ways to help slow climate change. Please feel free to add any of these assets to your blog or page.

    I’m trying to get this inspiring message of corporate environmental commitment to as many people as possible, so I would be very grateful if you could forward this letter to your readers and anyone else you think might be interested. If you have any questions please message me!


  11. the great unbundling kicks in. $GE to sell fire safety to united tech http://bit.ly/4wZTcA http://bit.ly/sITX0
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