I mentioned the second London CloudCamp on November 13th earlier, but I didn’t include any information about the agenda. I should have done because the backbone of the event- scheduled lightning talks – look really interesting and somewhat enterprisey. I understand that this time around we’ll actually be giving red cards to people that talk over the allotted time limit.
Scheduled Lightning Talks are;
1. Joe Baguley, Quest CTO Europe, “Virtualisation isn’t always green”
2. Paul Watson, Arjuna, “Federated clouds”
3. Duncan Johnston-Watt, Enigmatec CTO, “Cloud Cover”
4. Phil Dean, Cisco,”What CIOs are saying to Cisco about cloud”
5. Alexis Richardson, CohesiveFT, and Adil Mohammed, Entrip, “Cloud ftw”
6. Matthias Kohl, VP Bus.Dev. Zimory, “Pervasive Cloud Computing – What is still missing?”
7. Simon Wardley, Software Services Manager, Canonical UK, “Why standardisation matters”
8. Rhys Jones, RBS, “Clouds are cool, so why aren’t we using them yet?”
Eastmad says:
October 28, 2008 at 10:25 pm
And maybe yellow cards for people who pimp their biz without making an interesting point?