kind of weird this dropped in the same week Microsoft got two licenses approved by the OSI.
Could libraries go online without Google’s cash? It seems the answer may be yes.
Sometimes I should be a tad more careful with my choice of words. Note to self- James Niccolai is an old school reporter and will use the juiciest quote. I stand by the sentiment, though.
i am not a gun fan but the bedside table cum club and shield combo looks quite the thing. if they have a knife you need a shield. and the club- yes that’s for whacking them upside the head.
pointed at by dogear
water is running out. bummer.
So are we really going to the death of both Java mobile edition and windows mobile? new microkernels making their way downstream.
James Governor's Monkchips
links for 2007-10-22
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dave shields says:
October 23, 2007 at 12:33 am
I grew up in New Mexico (NM). When I moved to New York City (NYC) in the 60’s the population densities were then such that if Manhattan had the same density as NM then there would have been 160 people living on it.
In the West, land is free; you are really buying the rights to water. No water, no value.
I remember the first time I went to New Hampshire (NH) and saw a New England forest. What is a small river in NH has more visible water than much of the Rio Grande (most of the water flows underground).
I was also overwhelmed by the biomass. Though I don’t know the numbers, the weight of the vegetation per acre in NH must be least 10 — and perhaps 100 — times greater than that in NM.
dave shields says:
October 23, 2007 at 12:57 am
It’s not just the West. Atlanta’s drying up, too. See http://tinyurl.com/ywnkzj