my sister is smarter than me. i am the risk taker. sounds about right.
priorities WTF? “if any wrongdoing serious enough to transform the investigations from an irritation into a full-blown crisis comparable to past presidential scandals such as Watergate, Iran-Contra or Lewinsky.”
What would the industry look like today if Google had access to a black box at Stanford when it started, rather than cobbling together its own servers?
good job Nintendo. lowering barriers…. works. definitely a case study for lower barriers
BT working with this organisation, trying to help it join the dots.
Why WP is a content management system: count the ways.
could danah boyd really have said this? “MySpace has most of the kids who are socially ostracised at school because they are geeks, freaks, or queers.”
ARmadgeddon: on the technobabble 50
many “fiscal conservatives” voted for this guy, right? “On the day President Bush took office, the National Debt stood at $5.7 trillion dollars. Six and a half years later, the National Debt is $8.8 trillion”
James Governor's Monkchips
links for 2007-06-25
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