James Governor's Monkchips

RedMonk: Back to Drums, Bass and Guitar

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It is with some regret that I have to announce that Anne Zelenka has decided that the life of an industry analyst is not for her at the present time. Instead she will be concentrating her efforts on her other gig Web Worker Daily. Good luck with the book deal Anne!

It is somewhat ironic that in the end our business is probably just too enterprisey to suit Anne, but them’s the breaks. Its been a great three months. Anne has acquitted herself extremely well with our clients and our community as a whole, which is no surprise- she is a very talented individual. One again on behalf of RedMonk thanks for all your efforts Anne and good luck in everything you do.


  1. In a way it’s kind of like the trouble we have here getting smart, fired-up people working here: Decent pay, good benefits, extra-boring enterprisey stuff. It’s good if you have an outside gig doing python stuff with new hardware, but strictly doing the corporate is mind-numbing and ultimately unsatisfying.

  2. Next time you add someone new, you have decide whether you need someone on keys or you would be better off with a horn player.

  3. James,
    I’m sorry to hear about losing Anne. She’s an innovative thinker. It sounds like you each benefited from your time working together, though. While she’s a tough voice to replace, I’m sure you’ll manage through the process.

  4. Chris – to the point as ever…

    Nathan – we will give that some good consideration.

    Tim – Anne of course is irreplaceable. But we’ll keep our eyes and ears open for further opportunities. we’re not obsessed about growth though- cultural fit is all important.

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