James Governor's Monkchips

the Death of IDC: Jeff Nolan

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I have long argued that the instrumented and measured web is potentially going to put market share estimation companies to the sword. Step forward Google as a Measurement Company.

Its interesting to Jeff Nolan from SAP say the same thing.

OK he is channelling Dennis, but I will take the link anyway. Mr Howlett:

This raises interesting questions. IDC, long held as the senior analyst organisation delivering quantitative statistics for the IT sector is rendered irrelevant. They could take an audit role. Who knows, IDC might become a content aggregator.

Other mainstream analyst groups will be faced with similar issues. Increasingly, SaaS vendors will drive a wedge between themselves and incumbent on-premise vendors. SaaS vendors will not have the research costs with which their competitors are saddled. Who knows, software bloat might become a thing of the past.

One final thought. What does this do for IPO and post-money SaaS valuations?

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