I was impressed when i got this editorial from silicon.com today. It uses worst case scenario thinking (of the kind so successfully used by US and UK authorities in advocating that civil rights be bypassed) to powerfully argue for a more sensible sensitive approach to citizen privacy. this takes the agenda beyond simple economics or simple politics. Even if we trust our governments, which is of course questionable, does that really mean we should trust their ability to build truly secure systems (my argumement would be absolutely not–governments are in general terrible at using IT, let alone using it securely with granular privacy).
The idea ties in quite nicely to ideas being driven by Microsoft’s Kim Cameron, the six laws of identity. should there be another law be that says a database will definitely leak, so plan accordingly? Or is that covered in law 3?
3. The Law of Fewest Parties
Technical identity systems MUST be designed so the disclosure of identifying information is limited to parties having a necessary and justifiable place in a given identity relationship
Anyhoo- Go silicon.com! nice thought leadership from news.com‘s UK outpost.
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