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RedMonk Radio Episode 05 – Fun Software,, and BEA

Cote’ brainstorms about making software fun, we learn of Jame’s and Dave’s Chris’s secret website, and we get a brief take on BEA.

You can download the episode by clicking here.

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As always, you can send comments to [email protected]: MP3’s or text would be great. Or, just leave comments below or on your own blog.

Disclaimer: BEA and Microsoft are clients. I may have missed others, please email me if you have questions about which companies, organizations, or people mentioned are clients or not. Also, James received no funding from Backup Your Data International for his comments on backing up your data.

Categories: Enterprise Software, Ideas, Marketing, Podcasts, RedMonk Radio Podcast, Social Software, The Analyst Life.

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3 Responses

  1. Yeah, who is that Dave guy? 😉

Continuing the Discussion

  1. This week’s podcasts: 16 hour MS support call, BEA SOA and (be very afraid)

    I forget that my blogging client ate this blog post earlier this week. RedMonk Radio rolled out a couple of podcasts this week. Here is the stuff, with apologies to Cote for control c control v. April 04, 2006 RedMonk…