Sometimes Dragons

RedMonk at Atlassian Developer Day Toronto 2024

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Later this week I am off to Toronto, ON for Atlassian’s Developer Day On Tour, the most recent iteration of Atlassian’s previously virtual but now IRL developer focused event series.

As I’ve noted, I love a good tech roadshow for reasons including the condensed schedule, necessarily streamlined content, and the effort to bring such events geographically closer to where attendees are. In this case specifically, I am also a fan of the tech-focused content, including a full developer track and a platform extensibility track that includes a hands-on workshop.

I am also speaking on a State of Developer Experience panel with Caterina Curti, Josh Frank, and Daniel Tao of Atlassian, and Christiaan Veerman, Head of Developer Experience at TD Bank. Some of my potential not-quite-hot (but totally true) takes: a) the Developer Experience Gap is still a thing b) developer experience and developer productivity are not the same thing c) even in an age of AI we still need better documentation.

If you are in the Toronto area, I hope to see you at the show. If you can’t make it (but want more thoughts on DevX), check out the MonkCast episode that just dropped where I chat with Andrew Boyagi, Head of DevOps Evangelism, about their recently released 2024 State of Developer Experience Report. Listen to this episode below or see the full transcript and related resources.

Disclosure: Atlassian sponsored the aforementioned podcast episode and my T&E to this event; however, this post has not been commissioned by any entity.

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