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Links for December 2nd through December 3rd

A little something extra…

Camaron Diablos

I got myself stuck in looking at the last 10 years of tech news in Austin – the kind of thing you end up doing as we come up on 2010. Google News is fantastic for this with their Archive. Most of the content requires payment, so I don’t read it, but there are some nice finds, like the old Austin days links below. I like this Austin-y talk of personal extravagance in the days by Spike Gillespie from March 2001:

For me, extravagance equaled other things: Getting a Chango’s mahi mahi burrito whenever the hell I wanted one, handing out wads of cash to my strapped friends (“Here, keep it!”), overcompensating to my kid for all the years I had to say, “Sorry honey, we can’t, we’re broke.” Oh, and I bought toilet paper — my favorite name brand — in bulk.

Yup, adding guacamole to everything on them fancy burritos is a special kind of Hill Country luxury ;>

The Links

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