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- Sticker Robot – printing high quality, full color, custom, outdoor vinyl silkscreen stickers
- Zombies attack!
- LaCie – Rugged Hard Disk – FireWire 800, FireWire 400 & Hi-Speed USB 2.0
Speedy, "rugged," and it has firewire and USB.
- SolarWinds releases free app and server monitoring tool | Community
- gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards": texas tweetups, stormhoek-style
Yeah, why the hell not?
- Windows 7 RTM: a closer look
- Dell looks to Linux to expand netbook presence
- ThoughtWorks Studios offers ALM for agile projects
- Red Hat steps up channel reach against Novell and Microsoft
- iTunes swallowed a quarter of US music sales
- HP paddles through Q3 slump on EDS lifeboat
"Broken down, HP's enterprise business sunk 23 per cent to $3.7bn, with enterprise storage and server both dropping 21 per cent respectively. Software revenue declined 22 per cent to $847m and HP's printer biz took a 20 per cent slide to $5.7bn. The otherwise slumpy quarter was offset by HP's services unit which increased 93 per cent to $8.5 million. But as mentioned, that's primarily a result of the EDS acquisition."
- SpringSource Launches Enterprise Java Cloud
"Cloud Foundry builds on familiar Java technologies that SpringSource leads or makes a significant contribution to. The core runtime is our tc Server product, built on and wholly compatible with Apache Tomcat. We use the Apache HTTP web server for load balancing, and integrate Hyperic technologies for monitoring and management. We also provide a relational database (MySQL). Cloud Foundry allows the user to specify the desired application server and database configuration through a web interface, concealing the complexity of achieving the desired result, ensuring that the required steps reflect the intent rather than the details, and that configuration and deployment is repeatable. We expect that most users will be deploying Spring or Grails applications, although Cloud Foundry is not limited to Spring and Grails applications."
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