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User Groups and Profesional Associations


I’m part of the Data Center Advisory Board, part of which involves contributing to a discussion every so often on IT topics. This round, the question was around what user groups and professional associations have helped me in the past and in the present.

Thinking over the question, I realized that in my present life as an analyst I’m not involved in as many user groups as I was when I was a developer. Even back then, I wasn’t much of a joiner, though I enjoyed the local Java User’s Group and conferences.

So, I took a different tact and thought about where the “support groups” I depend on professionally are. Most, as you might expect, come from places like blogs, other “Web 2.0” buckets, and esp. Twitter:

Over the past year, Twitter has become one of the top conduits through which I interact with these ad hoc groups. The combination of people I follow there, those who follow me and those I chat with through Twitter make an extremely valuable group.

Check out the rest of my answer, and the much more interesting and diverse answers from the rest of the Advisory Board.

Disclosure: RedMonk get a small stipend from participation in the Advisory Board.

Categories: The Analyst Life.

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One Response

  1. For me OSCON was an Alexandria. I met Whurley, who got me a face to face with Mark Hinkle (and I didn't even have to paint his fence). With Whurley and Mark (at Linux World) we hooked up with you and did our first podcast. I also met Luke Kanies at OSCON. So I would say I like OSCON pretty much.
