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Perhaps Face-to-face Isn't So Valuable, or, Time-shifted Collaboration in Agile Software Development

One of Robert’s recent posts on process and tools in software development got me to thinking about one of my eternally unanswered questions: if you’re using even a fraction of the collaboration tools available “properly,” do you really need to meet face-to-face?

The More People, The Less Meetings

My theory is this: the more people you have working on a project, the less meetings you should have. If you have 1-10 people, you could all sit in one room together, having a never ending meeting. This is the One Big Room people like me dream about because I had such a fun working in one at the startups I used to work at it when all those people in the room were friends.

It was fun being in that room, and I looked forward it to every day. Which explains why I like The One Big Room Theory so much. The ultimate question of shipping product split 50/50 in each of the startups I was in: one company “shipped” (it was hosted) product and still exists, while the other didn’t and no longer exists.

In most Agile-think, a prime idea is that you meet face-to-face as much as possible, ideally, putting everyone in One Big Room. This gives you rapid feedback in the “purest” form possible. In Scrum, and other implementations, you meet daily at the stand-up meeting and exchange statuses. The goal here it to keep everyone in the loop, giving people an over-all context of the project and a chance to start engaging with team members.

Just Showing Up

As the scale of companies I coded at grew, meetings became more numerous and, frankly, tedious. There’s a certain point, to be a cynical coder, where people just show up at meetings for face-time: to show that their involved. I’m not saying that these people don’t have valuable work that could be done. Instead, their perceptions is that showing up at a meeting is the prime channel to prove that they’re doing that valuable work and to do that work.

In America, and I suspect most Western societies, we learn from a young age that simply showing up is half the battle. That rule is beaten into us starting in school where too many tardies (showing up late to class) can effect your grade. Think of of how silly, and un-Agile-think that is: you could be a straight-A student, but if you got to class late 10 times, you’d get a B for the class.

After 12+ years of that mentality, it’s little wonder that white-collar workers pack meetings. They don’t want to risk getting a B, even if the meeting(s) in question have no effect on shipping the product.

Bad Writers

There are many cynical paths we could go down at this point, primarily among them that all these people aren’t really needed to accomplish the goal of shipping the product. I’ve spent many hours down those cynical paths, and they get frustrating and, worse, boring after awhile; indeed, they’re one of the smaller, but compelling, reasons I’m here at RedMonk instead of coding at a large company.

But, let me talk of more constructive things, back to the topic of meetings. If one of our predicates is that people need a way to expose that they’re doing work and, thus, show up to meetings, the next theory for why we have so many meetings despite them seeming unproductive that I’d float is that most people don’t know how to effectively communicate in other mediums. For example, in writing.

That is, people are very good at communicating face-to-face, but less so with the written word. I feel extremely comfortable typing instead of talking, but I’m not sure if previous generations, or even my peers, feel the same way. To be frank, perhaps all these people who like meetings can’t communicate effectively in written mediums.

Thus, suggesting that they just use threaded email and discusions or, better, a blog, makes them panic. It’s at this point that Cockburn’s theory on One Big Room comes in: One Big Room (and more face-to-face time) isn’t a way to optimize a group, it’s a way to fix a broken group. What this means is that a group doesn’t need to be in One Big Room to be good, rather, if a group is crappy, One Big Room is one tool you use to make them better.

Taking it to an extreme, if you have a “team” of product managers, managers, developers, technical writers, and QA that isn’t communicating with each other fast enough to ship the code, throwing them all into one room and locking the door is a compelling quick fix.

Time-shifted Collaboration

That enticing scenario aside — and though it’s painful to type it because it seems so obvious — chances are you don’t need to have a meeting. An email thread, a blog post with comments, or even just a 1:1 meeting in IM will probably do.

This seems counter-intutive because, in the past, there weren’t that many tools to facilitate time-shifted collaboration: email was about all there was. But, once you add in such collaboration tools, like archived email, blogs, and wikis, the need for everyone to collaborate at the same time is lessoned. Once again, consumer technology is leading the example for the workplace. On the public Internet, meetings aren’t possible, and yet people use these time-shifted collaboration tools every day to get projects done.

My suggestion, then, is to look at meetings as supplemental, out of the ordinary things. If an email, IRC, or IM conversation can’t resolve the issue, then call a meeting. But, assuming that you need a meeting — esp. one every day just to report status that could otherwise be posted to a blog — seems like too much of a time-suck, almost at every size of your team.


Of course, as mentioned above, if your people can’t communicate in a written medium, this may not work out too well. It’s easy to be flip and say “well, you’ve got bigger problems” (man, oh man, how I hate that response), but the reality is that there’s not a very good understanding or practice of “Agile Firing” beyond containment and ignoring.

For as transparent and feedback rich as most Agile implementations are, the team can rarely vote someone off the island. That’d be putting way too much control in the teams hands for most companies and organizations. For some reason, meritocracy is for open source development, not commercial development ;>

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Categories: Agile, Collaborative, Programming.

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6 Responses

  1. I have always enjoyed writing and perhaps it’s self-serving have always thought that good writing skills are essential. I think you’re right that it’s only getting more and more important – time-shifted communication is a big reason.

    In the job-went-to-India vein of conversation, I think all techies or tech wannabees should take writing skills very seriously.

  2. Indeed. Fellow students seemed to always sneer at having to take writing courses, and I’d agree: being forced to learn to write sucks. You need some personal drive to pick it up, or it’s too easy to write to form and get by.
    Luckily for me, I picked up the urge to output content early on (from the BBS, Internet, and web), not to mention the fact that like many teenagers, I wanted to be A Writer one day, so I was always reading up on it.
    Navel gazing aside, what makes me optimistic about the next generation of information workers is that they’ve been raised on the web even more so than my generation: text is a primary means of communication, even if it’s SMS short-hand. But, the amount of writing that MySpace and blogs require can’t help but have honed thousands of people’s writing abilities.
    It may not be the style, or even mediums, that we’re used to, but at least it will be a style: it could be that the old dogs will have to learn some new tricks instead of shoe-horning the new generation into their fuddy-dudy boat-shoes.
    Along those lines, IM is an interesting data-point. Until very recently, in groups I’ve worked in, IM hasn’t always been as pervasive as I’d think — and I’m talking about programmer and software company groups. However, over the past year I’ve noticed that almost everyone (including non-tech people like Kim’s co-workers at the ACLU) have IM and are (more importantly) always logged in.
    I’m curios what the IM adoption is in other groups: do ya’ll, dear readers, see IM everywhere? Or still in pockets? …and never mind corporate sanctioned IM, or the lack thereof, being a blocker, that’s so boat-shoes 😉

  3. I agree that written communication is important and that meetings tend to be a crutch or a reflex reaction to any communication problems.

    However, my experience is that, while meetings are often huge time-wasters, they are vital to healthy communication in an organization. To be productive, however, meetings must typically:

    1. Be well-facilitated.
    2. Be preceded by significant preparation.

    The key to meeting preparation that almost everyone overlooks is building consensus before the meeting through one-on-one discussions. It’s a lot of work, and may seem like an even more colossal waste of time, but it works. That’s a lot more than can be said for avoiding meetings or for hoping you can build consensus without any meeting preparation.

  4. I totally agree about building consensus before meetings. In a perfect or well trained world — where companies run meetings like meetings instead of ad hoc chat fests — meetings are nothing to be dodged.
    Still, I think it’d be a useful exercise to treat meetings as the exception instead of the rule. Perhaps even one day a week, ironically analogous to some companies that mandate Friday “email free” day (meaning you have to use the phone or be face-to-face).

  5. In my experience, a major reason people pack meetings is politics. Either they're afraid that they'll get stuck with the task(s) no one else wants; or, they're afraid of receiving the blame for something which went ary–whether or not they actually had anything to do with it.

    While many would say this is symptomatic of deeper problems within a company, I've seen it in far too many companies in my career.

  6. Today’s Dilbert commentary on meetings seems appropriate here.