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The Softer Side of Oracle

While I bookmarked this short, but packed, interview with Oracle’s Charles Phillips, it’s worth calling out this too-long-to-fit into quote on open source from Phillips:

[OSS] is just another choice for customers. Some prefer it, but we view it as a positive for Oracle. Open source lets people quickly learn about various technologies and get the skill sets they need. If they are serious about deploying and using those applications they’ll want a commercial-grade product, they’ll want global support, all the things you can’t get from open source. Then they come to Oracle. It’s sending us new customers and educating people we probably couldn’t reach on our own.

Really, he’s not saying anything different than Larry Ellison did last month, but feels much more warm-and-fuzzy than,

If an open source product gets good enough, we’ll simply take it…. We don’t have to fight open source, we have to exploit open source.

But, hey, that’s why it’s vendor sports, right?

(Have I mentioned how much of a pain in the ass sucky hosting is?)

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Categories: Companies, Marketing, Open Source.