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Creating Your Own Radio Station

I’m trying to figure out which podcasts I should put into a personal radio station. What I’d like to do is create a smart playlist (or several) that creates a daily snap shot of podcasts to listen to. I’m thinking it would include the morning local news, the little bit of NPR news you can get daily, and a couple other podcasts.

Now, I haven’t done this yet, and I suspect it’s going to be clunky with just smart play lists in iTunes. So, I wanted to ask all of you if you do anything like this, and which tools you use…?

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Categories: Podcasts, The Analyst Life.

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4 Responses

  1. Coté,

    IMHO you have some things to think about:
    1 – creating the playlist(s)
    2 – get the data to the people

    I know most about the first point, others may provide more about the second:-)

    Could help with 1 and 2
    I currently use an Addin for iTunes: it adds every song I listen to intto my playlists (you can dl the addin from
    They have a user-based radio feature that plays songs based on tags. (So, if you use your own unique tags, people would just hear what you want them to). But I think you need their player for that:-(

    amip generates playlists and is very flexible regarding the output. I personally use it only for displaying my current song on screen.

    (3) UpnP server
    If I remember right, Musicmatch Jukebox has an integrated upnp server. But this would need your ‘listening-pc’ to stay online and up the whole time. As far as I remember, there are also some upnp servers that can run on your isp’s hardware.
    This is the area where I know almost nothing…

  2. Ruby on Rails can totally do that, and it's super easy.

    anonymous cowardMay 15, 2006 @ 5:25 pm
  3. lol…good 'un…

  4. Volker: thanks for the tips. I’ll look into those. So far I haven’t gotten the setup I like, so I’m looking forward to checking out those options.