
Monkjobs: How Can We Help?

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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, originally uploaded by Elias Schwerdtfeger.

One of the so-called “soft” services – i.e. services that aren’t quantifiable in the same way as, say, consulting hours – that RedMonk has traditionally offered to clients has been job related. We’ve never formalized the service to date (in spite of requests that we do so), believing that it’s more effective as an opportunistic offering versus one at scale.

But we have been more actively connecting interesting people to interesting opportunities lately. Part of it is the economics: the recession has widen the number of available resources, obviously, but it’s also proving to be fertile ground for more startups than you’d think. Throw in the fact that those enterprises that are successfully weathering the economic malaise see in it opportunities to more cost effectively acquire people and, well, we’re busier.

So, quickly, here’s what this means for you:

  • RedMonk Client? Give us a call and tell us what you need. If it seems like something our crowd would be interested in, we’ll stick it up on @monkjobs and if not we may know someone who fits the bill. If you want us instead to be on the lookout for a certain type of person, we’ll keep our eyes peeled for you.
  • Not a RedMonk Client? We won’t be able to personally interact with you about the opportunity and certainly can’t promise to post every gig we get, but if it’s interesting send it along and if we agree it’ll go up on @monkjobs.
  • Looking for a Gig? First, follow the aforementioned @monkjobs on Twitter: we’ll keep that reasonably up to date with jobs that we think are interesting, differentiated, or both.

That’s all for now, but if there are other ways we can help do let us know. Connecting good people with cool jobs is one of our favorite things to do.