
Some Work and Much Play @ UbuntuLive / OSCON

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Just What it Says

Originally uploaded by sogrady

So far, so good here in fake Portland.

First, a very public thank you to Canonical for their hands off attitude regarding the content of my keynote yesterday, which afforded me the opportunity to advance my own agenda. An agenda centered mainly on my “Red Hat/MySQL network (platform bits) + AppExchange/Ubuntu Marketplace (commercial apps) + Portage / Apt (community apps) + Craigslist (job postings / resource brokering) + eBay (bids + rating system)” notion, with a cameo for the online desktop.

Lest you think it’s all work and no play here, let me reassure you that last night’s simple dinner was ambushed and waylaid by a full blown bender. What happened was this: senor Walli of the Moo cards and I had agreed last week to grab some dinner Sunday before the OSCON party circuit cranked into full gear. Meeting up at the Canonical sponsored cocktail hour, we figured the more the merrier, and accompanied by Jeff’s green shoes we departed for dinner as 8. After a couple beers at Kell’s, we were 10. Then 12. Then 20. Scattered reports have most of UbuntuLive showing up at some point. Even Gman.

One important public service announcement: the MAX doesn’t run at 1 AM on Sundays. Even if you wait for it. Just an FYI.

Overall then, it’s good times, good times.