
RedMonkOne: We’re Here All Ze Day, FYI

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CommunityOne Schedule

Originally uploaded by sogrady.

Good morning freedom lovers…oh wait, that’s Jeff‘s line. Anyway, just wanted to drop you a quick note – in case you were confused by the official Sun Schedule Builder system – that RedMonkOne is in fact a full day event.

Apparently the system is not designed to accommodate schedules that are built on site, by the actual participants, preferring that everything is mapped out ahead of time. The system and I, obviously, have little in common.

But the important note is that we’ll be here all day and look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it. Should be a really fun day. And remember, Startup Camp is right up the street so be sure to stop in there if you get a minute as well: David, Doug and the gang always do an excellent job.

P.S. Thx to Danese for pointing this out to me this morning.