
Thanks Anne

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I always knew that given her diverse interests and responsibilities – see her work on Anne 2.0 or Web Worker Daily as an example – that we were lucky to have Anne on board in any capacity, but I’m sad to say that our luck has apparently run out. I’m happy for Anne, because she’ll be able to narrow her focus more than was possible splitting time amongst several competing and often orthogonal interests, but sad for us because she’s – despite what she might have argued – quite a good analyst with excellent insights.

We wish her nothing but the best, thank her for her contributions and certainly will keep the light on for her should scheduling allow her to further explore the exciting and fast paced world of industry analysis 😉 Given that she’s a fellow Denver resident, I also look forward to catching her for lunches and so on as we roll forward, and with any luck a Denver Tech Meetup (more on that in a bit).

In terms of logistics, it’s pretty straightforward. Her content will remain just where it is, although it won’t be updated now and at some point in the near future we’ll adjust the header just for the sake of clarity. Until we’re able to steal her back, I recommend following her work at either of the venues mentioned above.

Best of luck, Anne, and thanks again for all of your work. I’m subscribed to both Anne 2.0 and WWD, and look forward to your future coverage.