
Miles to Go Before I Sleep

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Cloudy Day in the Park

Originally uploaded by sogrady.

Lurking beneath the crush of travel and work responsibilities has been a terrifyingly blank holiday calendar. As recently as this week, I had no idea how I’d be returning to NJ for Christmas, what I’d be doing for New Year’s, or how I planned to spend my traditional two week leave commencing with Christmas week and ending post-New Year’s week (and let’s not even talk about Christmas presents). While I have not yet resolved all of those questions, some of the more important ones have been answered with a little help from some friends.

My Christmas travel dilemma was resolved with the kind assistance of one Stephe Walli whom I connected with late this week. The critical issue was trip cost. When I checked airfares from DEN to any of the NJ/NY area airports while home over Thanksgiving, I was quoted over $700 which is approximately twice what the trip should cost. You might be thinking why not use your miles, you must have tons of free flights? Well, I laugh at you. Try using any of those precious miles on any date that they’re convenient to you and see what happens. Fortunately, I decided not to cave in and put off purchasing. After complaining about it this week to Stephe, he mentioned Farecast which essentially allows you to place airfare within a historical pricing context. It’ll tell you when you should buy, depending on the pricing variations. My final trip cost, using Farecast? $389. Bless the internet. Anyway, that will have me flying all day this Friday (meaning I’ll be out) and returning the following Tuesday (at the unholy hour of 6 AM, but beggars and so on…).

For the two weeks that follow, I have a definite lack of plans. New Year’s was locked up last night after dinner with friends: I’ll be spending it just as I used to, up in the mountains at a friend’s place in Grand Lake (pictured). Apart from that, I’ve got a lot of PC maintenance for friends on the docket. One complete Windows reinstallation (although I’m in negotiations for an Ubuntu swap out, it’s not likely to pass), one archive/backup setup (if you have recommendations for Windows backup clients, I’m all ears), one RAM installation, and the inevitable post-Christmas iPod/digital camera setups. Given how behind I am on office related activities, I’m also likely to be spending some time catching up there (much as I hate the idea). But apart from that, I expect snow-shoeing, beers with friends, leisurely days in Denver, a bit of writing, maybe a trip to Boston for a friend’s bachelor party, and perhaps a longer excursion somewhere in-state (budget being tight and all). Some serious R&R, in other words.

Before I get to rest, however, I need to get through the next week. Said week involving several year end RedMonk activities, contract negotiations, and (perhaps) a trip to Boston. But I’m coming down to the home stretch, and if I can make it to the finish line I’ve got a lot to look forward to – including a self-imposed travel moratorium.1

For now, though, I need to keep pushing. Even though the woods are lovely, dark and deep.

  1. As a reminder to clients, conference organizers and others, January is a no-fly month for yours truly, with the exceptions of my previous commitments to Mashup Camp and Lotusphere. [back]

One comment

  1. i see you have been listening to grizzly bear. that is some heavy shit man. lovely picture btw

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