
Upgraded to GNOME 2.10

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Evolution 2.2 & GNOME 2.10

Originally uploaded by sogrady.

As a Linux user – and actually in general as well – I’m an early adopter, but not a real early adopter if you follow me. So despite the fact that GNOME 2.10 launched better than a month ago, it just cleared the hard mask stage in Gentoo and graduated to ~x86 (sort of like going from Alpha to Beta). As is normal for Gentoo, given that just about everything is custom compiled from scratch rather than installed as a binary, I began a compile yesterday morning and it ran most of the day, completing around 7 or 8. It’s not as bad as it sounds, though, because I was able to work on the machine simultaneously for the most part.

Anyway, nothing’s really blowing me away as yet, but Evolution’s made some nice progress and the plugin architecture should open it up to further enhancements (the offline calendar plugin is huge). It’s also gratifying to see the continued progress towards making things like setting date and time accessible to normal users (rm /etc/localtime & zic – l /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Denver is not how your typical Windows user wants to set the date/time ;), not to mention stability.

Anyway, thanks for all the hard work, GNOME devs. It’s much appreciated.


  1. Thanks for the tip on how to reset the timezone on linux. It took me the better part of 4 or 5 hours one night trying to Google the files I needed to mod to make it happen.

    I should have known the command sequence you listed above instinctively! 😉


  2. "it just cleared the hard mask stage in Gentoo and graduated to ~x86"

    It did? When's the last time you synced?

    revision 1.3892
    date: 2005/05/01 04:33:19; author: joem; state: Exp; lines: +38 -73
    Add eds(evolution-data-server) as a global use flag and turn it on by default. Also unmask gnome-2.10

    It just went stable on x86, however:

    revision 1.1
    date: 2005/06/09 12:03:26; author: foser; state: Exp;
    mark gnome 2.10 x86

  3. Stephen: 2.10 is indeed a big improvement, in that regard 😉

    Donnie: I synced that day, actually. I still have to give it a ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to get it in, though maybe I was still a bit behind.

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