
Flickr Passes the Acid Test

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Christmas 02 AND bONAIRE 053

Originally uploaded by sogsr.

For Christmas this year I got my Dad, who’s a moderately serious amateur photographer, a Flickr Pro account. I got it for several reasons; as a Christmas gift, of course, but also as a general test of Flickr as a social-web-application. And given that his My Yahoo page now features the tecosystems RSS feed and he’s reading this, sorry for using you as a guinea pig Dad.

My parents are like many others in that they can use technology, but don’t necessarily enjoy learning it. So the question with Flickr was will the benefits of photo-sharing and publishing outweigh the inconvenience of learning to use it?

For a few weeks it was looking like my $40 were going to be a waste, but over the past week or so, my Dad’s begun posting various shots including the one in this entry to the account. Interesting, he’s also learned to use some of the more advanced picture commenting features, which indicates that the interest goes beyond just publish and email around.

The lesson for me? Network applications are as much about incentive as they are about UI. The design of the application is a major consideration, of course, and Flickr generally does a good job of exposing their functionality although I do have to hunt for things now and then. But just as key is providing the incentive, because excepting things like Google search, there will always be some learning curve.

Flickr, for example, seems to have the incentive – the carrot, as it were – down pat if my parents are any indication. LinkedIn, on the other hand, still has given me little if any reason to use the service.


  1. Well, you know I'm a flickr junky… But, one of my co-workers wife's went through the same thing as your dad with flickr.

    I was really interested in her use to see how a non-programmer/techie-blogger would take to it. I talked with him yesterday, and he said she loves it. She picked up the whole tagging thing really quick, loves uploading their pics, etc.

    I was delighted of course, being the afore mentioned flickr-junky I am.

    You can check out their stuff under the wyscan id (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wyscan/). They're Disney nuts, so get ready for that if you have to ;>

  2. it is fascinating how accessible some of these services are to non-technical audiences, and how quickly they can see the benefits.

    that's a lot of Disney 😉

  3. For a 58 year old paratrooper I consider myself to be on the cutting edge of technology use. Forty bucks… I had hoped you'd spend more.

  4. See, I even figured out how to post here.

  5. how quick the old man forgets…there was a hard drive and flash card too, Pop.

    but good work figuring out the posting. you really are becoming a geek.

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