Last week Georgia Tech held its Spring 2024 Computer Science Junior Design Capstone Expo. As I have written previously, the expo showcases projects completed by students in the CS Tech Comm Junior Design course sequence, a series of classes taught collaboratively by Tech Comm faculty in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) and CS instructors in the College of Computing.
Quite a lot has changed with the expo since it launched in Spring 2018. The expo shifted to a virtual format due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and then shifted back to an in-person format in Fall 2021. In Spring 2023 the event moved from its initial venue–the Klaus Advanced Computing Building atrium–to Georgia Tech’s shiny new Exhibition Hall–a move from a space familiar to computing students to one specifically designed to showcase institute-level events to the public. Award categories for presenting teams have been created and updated, along with processes for judging (and even for recruiting judges).
Another change: in Fall 2022 the academic unit housing the CS instructors for the Junior Design course series (as well as the course series full-time coordinator) was elevated from a division to a school. This gave the former Division of Computing Instruction, now the School of Computing Instruction (SCI), its own chair, additional administrative staff, and better funding. SCI also has its own communications officer, my excellent colleague Emily Smith, who now makes a point of both promoting and documenting the expo. Check out her coverage of the past three expos (and the winning student teams and projects):
Spring 2024 recap and winners: App to Inform Students on Curriculum Threads Wins Capstone Expo
- 1st Place – ThreadQuest
- 2nd Place – ChromeOS Weather
- 3rd Place – Hemodynamics Calculator
Fall 2023 recap and winners: Team Wins First Place for Pet Finder Website at Capstone Expo
- 1st Place – MaxFinder
- 2nd Place – Automated External Defibrillator Locator Application
- Best Aesthetic Value – Rules of Inference Auto Generator Website
- Best Product Function – GT Fashion Revolution
Spring 2023 recap and winners: Team Earns Top CS Capstone Honor for Medical App
- 1st Place: The Emoroid Digest App
- 2nd Place: Diabetes Doctor
- 3rd Place: The RedLine
One component of the expo (and the course series) that has not changed: they are always lookout for suitable projects and clients. If you have a project that you think might be a good fit and are interested in serving as a project client for one or more student teams, please contact CS Junior Design Capstone Coordinator Dr. Amanda Girard at [email protected].
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