• State of Open: 100m and counting. A UK conference that matters.

  • The future just happened: Developer Experience and AI are now inextricably linked.

  • Sustainable software and systems, efficiency and the triple win. Policy, progress, and modern Java runtimes like Quarkus.

  • The year of the Cloud Development Environment

  • IBM’s Inner Source transformation, scaling a DevOps culture change. Being GitHub and Slack’s biggest customer

  • IBM and embeddable AI – natural language processing and speech recognition, high touch to self-service.

  • Progressive delivery for database schema changes oh my

  • A RedMonk Conversation: Why the future of serverless databases is distributed document-relational.

  • The myth(s) of Observability.

  • Some thoughts on stock photos on tech websites and the Developer Aesthetic

  • A RedMonk Conversation: Low Code to Full Stack: it’s about the apps.

  • Client Profile: Atsign ( formerly The @ Company)