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OpenStack – Press Pass

I talk with the press frequently. Thankfully, they whack down my ramblings into concise quotes. For those who prefer to see more, I try to dump publish those slightly polished up conversations this new category of posts: Press Pass.

Last week, Jack Clark of ZDNet UK asked me about Rackspace’s OpenStack project, who has an upcoming community meeting in Austin (which, sadly, I’ll be out of town for). Form our email “conversation,” here’s his questions and my answers:

Q: The release notes show greater compatibility for security group protocols used in Eucalyptus and AWS – how important are steps like this for increasing portability?

A: Ideally, different cloud platforms would be very compatible with each other, and you could just move applications around willy-nilly. This kind of thing doesn’t really exist in the non-cloud world, where application dependencies between operating systems and various patch levels are normal. Being pragmatic, you’d at least hope that cloud platforms would one day be as interoperable as different Linux distributions: requiring some tweaking to move from distro to distro, but not major rework, if the application was written with moving around in mind. For OpenStack (or any would be public cloud platform), making migrations from Amazon easy is key as that’s where the bulk of current cloud users are that you’d want to poach. More generally, if there’s a lower-level, architectural concept like security groups that’s finding success in the cloud world, it’s probably wise to implement it instead of coming up with your own ideas that developers will have to learn afresh.


Q: How significant is OpenStack to the cloud ecosystem, given its partner program and core technology?

A: At the moment, there’s high hopes around OpenStack from many people in the cloud ecosystem. Aside from Rackspace themselves, there are not big instances of using OpenStack (that I know of), but that’s because OpenStack as a “cloud in a box” platform is still a work in progress, requiring the deployer to customize it to their setup. (As an aside: the idea of an “instant cloud” is itself a bit far-fetched as setting up the servers, networking, storage, and data center infrastructure needed are far from “instant.”) Rackspace’s goal in releasing early was to get fuller involvement from the resulting community, which looks to be working from the interest I’ve seen from various partners and potential project contributors. Most people working in the cloud space, nascent as it is, are very interested in OpenStack, and the list of people (and companies they represent) going to the upcoming design summit proves this.

Interested in more on OpenStack? Check out my Brief Note from July and an interview with Rackspace’s Jonathan Bryce from the initial release.

Disclosure: Rackspace is a client.

Categories: Cloud, Community, Open Source.

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Day Software and Adobe

Adobe closed the acquisition of Day Software this week, with a press release out early this morning. While we were at Adobe MAX this week, James Governor discussed Day and the opportunities for Adobe with Day’s former CMO, now Adobe employee, Kevin Cochrane.

They discuss open source, developers, content management, and even OSGi.

Disclosure: Adobe is a client, as way Day.

Categories: The Analyst Life.

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Nowadays, never a dull moment in the Java world – Press Pass

I talk with the press frequently. They thankfully whack down my ramblings into concise quotes. For those who prefer to see more, I try to dump publish slightly polished up conversations I have with press into this new category of posts: Press Pass.

John K. Waters had several questions about the cracks du jour in the until recently sleepy and happy Java community:

What’s up with the JCP?

First, John asked about Doug Lea leaving the JCP, to which I replied:

I don’t know Doug Lea personally, or professionally really. While I haven’t spoken with Oracle on the topic, they do seem to be changing how the Java community is being run, making sure to control as much of it as possible. Really, I don’t know why we’d expect less: Sun tried to exert control (and in befuddling the ASF around TCK and “field of use” fine-print tactics acted like a pretty poor community overlord, despite the massive goodness that came from other efforts like OpenJDK), and Oracle spent a lot of money buying JAVA.

Oracle’s business model is to buy large, successful cash cows and milk revenue from them as much as possible, and what you’re seeing around their mum approach to the Java community aligns with that. More than likely, they’ll only get “involved” when the ROI can be quantified (a number that can put in a spreadsheet cell), not just when it’s a “good thing” or several steps removed from revenue generation. Sun’s business practices around open source were somewhat the opposite, which didn’t work out well for them in the long run at a corporate level. So you can imagine the new owner of JAVA feel justified in changing the way it operates.

What that means is that Oracle would (I’m guessing) like to see the Java community become more commercial, rather than “academic.” In contemporary standards bodies like the JCP, this means emphasizing the business value of a standard or effort, even at the Java SE level, meaning people like Doug Lea, as he explained very well in his letter, don’t really have a place in the JCP. It also means standards body knife-fighting and “back-room” politicking which is probably odious to most “open” minded people.

It’s like all those reality TV shows where everyone says one thing: “I’m here to win, not make friends.” Hopefully Oracle’ll listen to the gentle nudging in the community to win by making friends instead of ignoring them.

Apple Dumps Java

As of the release of Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3, the Java runtime ported by Apple and that ships with Mac OS X is deprecated. Developers should not rely on the Apple-supplied Java runtime being present in future versions of Mac OS X.

Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3 and 10.5 Update 8 Release Notes

John then asked about Apple’s decision to “deprecate” Java on OS X, that is, stop working on the Java runtime they’ve been delivering for years now.

Again, not having spoken with Apple on it, I just have pure speculation.

Apple has become the massively valued company it is by building a closed stack under its control. Consumers so far seem to love them for it. Java is outside of their control and consumes resources to get “perfect” enough to run on OS X.

The desktop hasn’t been a top strategy for Apple, iPods and then iPhones and now iPads being the chief strategy. But, with their new interest, it seems, in growing Mac desktop market-share and, more importantly, their ambitions to replication the iTunes App Store on the desktop, logic would dictate that Apple needs to lock down desktop development more. My theory is that Apple sees the Mac App Store as good bet for more revenues (more from selling more hardware than that cut of app sales, as with iOS devices), and wants to control as much of that stack as possible. Java is way out of their control, so under that strategy it’s got to go.

It’s also a wicked way to cause trouble to other ISVs. While Java on the desktop may not be used for a huge amount of desktop applications on OS X, it is used to back most of the development tools, esp. Eclipse. Developers have flocked to the Mac as a their primary computer and development machine. Without a good, frequently updated Java runtime on the Mac, all those developers will be in trouble. To play the grandpa role, back when I still wrote software, even when there was official Java support from Apple, the lagging release cycle meant Java developers on the Mac were always several months behind – it was crappy.

It’s not really that dire just yet, but it’s certainly annoying for developers and the companies putting out Java-based developer tools who’ll have to use other methods than the (now dead) “official” process for getting Java. It creates a great opportunity for someone to come in and play good cop to Apple’s jerk-move here, as strategic as it may be viz. the Mac App Store.

Disclosure: The Eclipse Foundation is a client, as is the Apache Software Foundation and other people who care about the Java world.

Categories: Community, Development Tools, Java, Open Source, Press Pass.

RIA is Dead – Adobe MAX 2010

AdobeMAX Day 1 Keynote, Kevin Lynch

Just flying back from Adobe MAX 2010 I’m coming away with the sense that Adobe has finally realized the value of the web over Flash, giving them a fighting chance where once they seemed a little too “let them eat cake.” It’s a few more long days of marching to get out of the woods, but they’re at least pointing in the right direction…finally.

Still not dead yet

Adobe has suffered from three things of late, only the second two of which I and you, dear readers, really care about:

  1. Poor Creative Suite 4 sales and/or sentiment – why upgrade? We just buy every other version anyhow.
  2. Apple hates Adobe & delights in kicking sand in their face in front of the ladies. Everyone left Apple for dead (aside from that weird $150 million Microsoft injection aside back in 1997), and now Apple’s back like an angry beefcake with a well cut 2×4 ready to bludgeon Everyone into a shallow grave.
  3. Too rabid of a belief in Flash as a development platform, and the strategy and portfolio neglect that came with ravishing attention & affection on Number One Son.

After this week’s MAX, Adobe seems to have removed of enough of this chaff – not all – to start taking control of their own destiny and start having a real tools strategy beyond “skip intro” that can could grow into one of their future cash cows, web & app development.

Beyond Flash

Adobe MAX Sneaks

Several years ago, at MAX 2006 my take away from the gold-encrusted halls of the Venetian was that Adobe was trying to fork the web with its Flash ambitions. Their line, the Macromedia injection still fresh, was that it was a better platform than the stagnated and hard to develop web technologies available (Ajax at the time). Of course, it was Apple and Facebook who succeeded at forking the web, each in their own wickedly clever and bold ways. In retrospect, Adobe never stood a chance against those dynamos.

After years of keeping web development in the closet, from the Adobe MAX keynotes and news this week, it seems like Adobe is now leading their conversation with web, and with the charged Rorschach-semantic inducing “HTML5” at that. (The only tech-term that’s less precise and more vaguely all encompassing than “HTML5” now is “cloud,” “SOA” having been exiled off to the old folks home long ago.)

If you look into their eyes, you can pretty much believe that these Adobe folks really mean it when it comes to servicing web developers, not just Flash developers. Their technology is both ancient and early. You may have forgotten the Dreamweaver and ColdFusion empires Adobe has in recently, Flashier times; their “HTML5” tools – like all of HTML5! – are a work in progress.

What’s Required

As James Governor said in one of our meetings, Adobe’s success in the web development market requires violating one of the top Adobe marketing taboos: breaking up Creative Suite bundling, if only for the web development tools products. More than doing that (which, to be fair is done somewhat across Dreamweaver, Flash Builder, and Coldfusion – keep it up!), pricing will be a tough nut to crack. Web developers pay more for coffee in a year than they do for tools, and even the price of the lowest level of Creative Suite will keep developers in the black stuff for months.

To crack the web developer market, Adobe has to move into the $50-$100 price range that TextMate and (lower rung) IntelliJ tools swim in – IntelliJ lets you spend more money if you decide you’re not a “student” in the school of life. It’s a miracle that those two pervasive tools can pry cash out of skinflint developers, and they’re clearly setting the pricing bar. If Adobe could figure out monetizing cloud-based services (Cf. Code2Cloud or Adobe’s own BrowserLabs), then the numbers might work for free tooling, but Adobe just doesn’t seem ready for that in the short term, despite the sleeping giant that is Adobe’s SaaS portfolio. (Said giant’s slumber is a constant source of befuddlement for me.)

It goes without saying that the tooling has to be “agnostic,” working with whatever web, HTML5, Ajax, mobile, etc. technologies that come out, treating Flash as a feature (as James put it, I believe) rather than the platform. So far, this “new Adobe” hasn’t done anything to make me think they won’t, but it’s a shaky sentiment.

An Excess of Opportunities

Kevin & James

Given that Apple isn’t thought to be slashing at Adobe’s sinews anymore, when it comes to platforms and development, Adobe actually has several great opportunities.


Adobe has an under-appreciated (by The Market) asset in Day software (once the acquisition closes, blah, blah) which brings them an overly goodwill-encrusted seat at the open source, and thus, developer relations table. While Day may not be widely known as a brand to all, their deep tie-up with the Apache Software Foundation and the Java community is critical, valuable, and real. Adobe hasn’t always maximized how they use open source tactically, so the developer relations energy that Day brings is Adobe’s to loose, or use.


Pulling back, the fragmentation in the Java market and Oracle’s “I’m not here to make friends” attitude is creating developer relations vacuums right and left in the Java world at the moment. VMWare/SpringSource are inches away from filling those holes, but there’s still time for others. And while “Java” may seem like the antithesis of what Adobe would be interested in, the question is: how many other technology ecosystems are out there? There’s such a small pool of them at the moment (Java, PHP, “web,” iOS, and mobile…see below for “tablet”) that it’s bad risk management to ignore any of them.


There’s a huge opportunity for Adobe as well that hedges especially nice against all their developer-world risks – a quick review of those risks: failure of the market to break iOS hegemony; Adobe’s failure to make friends with at least the Java and “web” communities; and the Flash Player going the way of the Real Player. That huge opportunity is JavaScript. While Adobe doesn’t like to utter the phrase “JavaScript,” when it comes to ActionScript/ECMAScript/JavaScript/WhateverYouWantToCallItScript, Adobe has some of the fattest brains in the industry (next to Google, Facebook, I’d think, and the rag-tag mega-successes like node.js and jQuery). While JavaScript is far from a mainstream developer “trend,” it’s certainly on the projectory, and no elder company is providing the adult supervision that leads to market funnel magic and cash-cow stability. Adobe is one of the few companies that could legitimately do that, but it’d take swallowing a lot of pride, weirdly.

“Our people are our most valuable assets.”

And that’s Adobe’s lowest hanging fruit when it comes to this: letting their engineering out of the house. Adobe has done a poor job of having their developers talk to the developers they sell to. Don’t get me wrong, it happens, but it’s a far cry from the salad days of IBM developerWorks and the (sadly revenue-disconnected) developer relations success Sun had around Java. The web would be a more exciting place, and more favorable for Adobe, if their Computer Scientists were given carte blanche to talk to the outside world and given incentives too. The more outrageously frank and transparent the better – e.g., James Gosling has done a suburb job in developer relations for the Java community now that he doesn’t actually work for Snorkle.

(I should say: I have no reason to believe one way or the other if Adobe engineering is “locked up,” but they certainly could be pushed to be more chatty in public.)

The Great “Multi-screen” Bet

Blackberry Booth, with PlayBook

I discovered on this trip that I have no idea what “multi-screen” really means, in the same way that I have no idea what “HTML5,” “cloud,” or “SOA” really means anymore. “Multi-screen” means a lot of things, and a lot of fun and interesting things at that (queue the Minority Report mouth-breathers).

Adobe uses the term to mean the new market Apple has created in smart phones and tablets, and also the emerging TV-as-computer market (“computer TVs”?). Apple has this market locked up now, and as one spot-on commentator recently said (can’t find the link, tragically), whenever you hear the word “tablet” now, people really just mean “iPad.” The “tablet” market does not exist in any real way…yet.

We’ve seen devices like the Samsung Galaxy, the Blackberry PlayBook (which I’ve learned that James has a love affair with), and even the actually shipping Dell Streak. These devices are “dropping,” as the kids say, sometime soon, just in time for Christmas, the Festival of Light, and other excuses to spend gads of money on China’s best. This “holiday season” is D-Day for the tablet space. If the invasion succeeds, people like Adobe (and, really, everyone else but Apple) will be a good position. If it fails, the ground hog will have seen it’s shadow and it’ll be more of an Eastern front meat-grinder than an adventure in France.

TV is an odd port of hope here – a sort of Casablanca to continue the pained metaphors – where no one really has much control (read: Apple). With Netflix OnDemand and Hulu shipping in TV-as-computers, the civilian consumers of the world actually have a reason to buy these products (unlike the tragic Bluray forays Sun tried to make several years ago, which was structurally the same TV strategy Adobe and others are now making). Would be TV-as-computer arms dealers like Adobe need to start showing people why they’d care to have “widgets” on their TV beyond streaming video. I’m not sure DVD menus have been a “must have” for consumers (they seem to get in the way of actually playing the video and those extras are usually adver-crap you’d expect to see on the TV Guide channel), but that’s a glimpse of what could be done. More interestingly, as James pointed out, is the ability to “drill down” on various things on TV, like the stats for some sports player.

As mentioned above, for Adobe (and others), hedging against the huge risks (read: Apple + 2×4 + shallow grave) in the “multi-screen” space is key. No tech company can afford to put it’s eggs in one basket here (except for Google who has more eggs than they know what to do with), so they need to look towards desktop and traditional web and mobile development as well. “Tablet” is no easy street just yet.

Merger Mania

Screwing around with this Droid 2 with @monkchips

It’s popular now to speculate about technology company mergers. I will briefly indulge you, dear readers, because RedMonk Analytics indicates you like it and if anything, we aim to please.

In summary, after the long-winter of not spending money, technology companies have massive cash balances on their sheets and pundits are eager to see them spend it (I’d prefer the more grinning-Machiavellian strategy that Google can pull off: wait for another nuclear winter and use your cash-piles to out-spend, out-hire, and out-price [free!] the innovation-skeletons who’re your competitors, but Wall Street can’t be bothered to think for more than 90 days into the future, so never mind that).

Since the Microsoft and Adobe CEOs met, everyone is abuzz about someone buying Adobe. First, it’d be crazy for Microsoft to buy them – but, hey, Oracle bought Sun, so one has to be careful about what’s considered mental illness, the desk reference apparently under new editorship. I’m not a numbers guy, as you know, dear readers, so I have no head for putting together the spreadsheet to make sense of these things, but when has that stopped me? I have two picks for the parlor game du jour:

  • VMWare/SpringSource – whether by strong partnering, merging, or acquiring, these two together would put together the foundation for a solid, new developer ecosystem and platform. VMWare needs to figure out application development to retain and up-sell to it’s existing customers and to bring in new customers; SpringSource needs a killer-UI strategy, and their mobile story is anemic at best (and they’ll admit this, with a quick, trustworthy follow-up of “we’re working on it”). The difficulty with this is all that other stuff, you know, that makes all of Adobe’s money, Photoshop, publishing, video. But, hey, it’d be good on EMC/VMWare if they boggled The Market’s minds again (the first time being SpringSource) and just said, “hey, consumerization of IT, bro!”
  • Google – these guys can’t do product strategy to save their life, and they have no reason why they should, because their life is in no way under threat. If Android and every Google UI was even half as well done as Apple user experience, Google would quickly move into that tasty monopoly territory Microsoft milked until they hit the government ceiling. Adobe could bring that in the web, desktop, and mobile space. Think about how critical Flash was and still is to YouTube and how big a part of Google’s identity that is. Google UX and UI are bad, but the functionality is so good we don’t even notice. Part of Apple’s disruptive success has been taking the time to deliver over-the-top UX and UI, and adding Adobe to Google would be like gas on the fire.

I don’t really seriously think anyone Big would acquire Adobe, or vice-versa. As I say, their business is such a hodgepodge that it’d be weird to buy and then run all of it. Then again, companies like HP do well with a mix of printer ink (!) and blades.

More realistic is to think about partnerships like the above.

RIA is Dead

Executive Q&A at Adobe MAX 2010

Nothing like a little link-bating, eh? Seriously though, I’ve had the personal sentiment, half-jokingly uttered to many of you, dear readers, that the term “Rich Internet Application” has run its course. You don’t hear the “RIA” term used as a general term, outside of the cadre of folks like myself. I’d expect Adobe to be the big boy on the block still using the term, but, really, they don’t. I’m sure it was uttered many times in public, during keynotes, but I didn’t really notice. In private conversations, sure, the term was used, but it was more for lack of a better phrase.

It seems the phrase RIA just isn’t taken seriously by people anymore, let alone used at all. The technology, ideas, and goals are all the same, but RIA as a distinct thing has been subsumed into what it is to be an application or a mobile app. Of course the UI has to look good, be “rich,” and of course it’s going to be connected to the Internet. An app that doesn’t do that is just text messaging.

As I’ve noted in snarky Twitter comments here and there, SOA has long been in the same boat. No one would dare say they’ve built an SOA for all this mobile, social and Whatnot 2.0 stuff, but that’s exactly the type of backend – architecture – that has been built out. Just like SOA, the idea of RIA is a strong as ever and widely in use.

What pushed me over the edge to finally tuck “RIA” into bed was the fact that multiple people, Adobe and non-Adobe, said as much themselves in private conversations. So much so, in fact, that I now feel like I’m a bit of a pass thru for The Message, really.

Disclosure: Adobe is a client and paid my travel, hotel, registration, and plenty of food & drink for MAX. I got a free Droid 2 (no service, though) and Logitech Revue Google TV, as did all the MAX attendees. Microsoft, Dell, VMWare, the ASF, and TaskTop are clients as well. Day was a client. See the RedMonk client list for others.

Categories: Conferences, Development Tools, Java, Marketing, Open Source, RIA.

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Links for October 23rd through October 27th

A little something extra…

It’s been mad travel between family and work the past few weeks. Exciting for me! Sooner or later we’ll get back to the regularly scheduled program. There are several videos, Press Passes, and write-ups in the pipe, theoretically. Until then, enjoy some light links.

The Links

Disclosure: see the RedMonk client list for clients mentioned.

Categories: Links.

Links for October 22nd

Disclosure: see the RedMonk client list for clients mentioned.

Categories: Links.

Links for October 19th through October 21st

Food tells truck drivers how fresh it is.

(Above: Twittering carrots!)

Disclosure: see the RedMonk client list for clients mentioned.

Categories: Links.

SpringOne 2010 – the shoddy trip-report – Quick Analysis

Rod and Mik present

Too much travel makes your brain into pudding. It’s like being hung over, except you didn’t have that nice experience of being drunk. As I work towards a more serious write-up of SpringOne, here are some quick notes a la Voltaire.

Earlier this week, I was at VMWare’s SpringOne conference, covering announcements and new work from their SpringSource division. They launched an integrating cloud-based software development suite of tools, several technology partnerships with Google, and started to outline new integration needs from the social, mobile, and database world.

(For an excellent, detailed summary, see Darryl Taft’s write-up of day one and then day two.)


The release of Code2Cloud is the most interesting announcement. Working with TaskTop – mostly TaskTop it seems – VMWare (or “SpringSource,” as I’ll call them) has put together a good looking approach to doing cloud-based ALM. They of course want to move away from the idea of “ALM” (good council, and one of those Three Letter o’ Death that our own James Governor has told people in the past to avoid) but you’ll pardon me using a known quantity as a crutch to talk about “all that stuff other than the IDE and complier that you use to get software out the door and manage the project.”

Since leaving the programming world, I’ve been envious of teams who could use hosted services like Rally and VersionOne, along with the host of other, well, hosted tools. Those tools tend to manage the artifacts of an Agile process: tracking the “stories” and features that should be built, what phase of the development cycles they fit in (the “iteration”), who’s working on the item, and how far along it is up to completion.

In addition to that issue tracker, there’s version control and your build system. Both of those have been ripe for moving into the cloud, and the ability git provides to do synchronized web style use in git (meaning: you can pile up changes and even use the tool offline) takes care of the unreliable cloud problem most people would probably carp on.

Send moar minis

(“Send moar minis” from Christopher Blizzard)

Cloud-based builds are an area that many people, and stealthy startups, have been interested in over the past few months. It makes sense: builds are processor intensive and, as such, a perfect match for the “bursty,” elastic functionality a cloud would provide. Also, as one of Sun’s hosted projects was shooting for, cloud-based builds open up all sorts of platform testing and compiling options: maybe it’s easier to compile to some weird HP-UX version if you just rent that node as part of your build cloud.

The tough nut here will be convincing developers that this system is as open as TaskTop and SpringSource would tell you it is. While SpringSource obviously wants you to use their stack top to bottom, Code2Cloud properties to be an open and interoperable pile of components. Thus, even if you weren’t using Spring, you could use it. One Spring use I talked with said he liked the setup, but didn’t use Spring’s Tools so he wouldn’t be able to use it. And, besides, he said, he already had all that ALM stuff setup. That’s the kind of quick perception to get over by showing, not marketing, as it were. We’ll see once it comes out, sometime next year they say.

I have a short, video interview with TaskTop on Code2Cloud that should be up soon. Also check out Israel Gat’s take: as someone who’s interested in optimizing the development process from the perspective of management, he’s esp. interested in the ALM-we-shall-not-call-ALM innovation here.

Google Partnership

Also of interest were the three integrations that Google and SpringSource announced.

Sorting out Google’s angle on the developer-front can be a freaky walk down memory lane. At the end of the day, the reason they do most things is “to make the web a better place.” The more people that use and enjoy the web, the more Google ads they see, the more clicks there will be, and the more money is made, and layering in the collection of data that allows Google to better do that targeting and connivence advertisers that they’ve finally solved Wanamaker 50% waste rule of advertising, and you’re set.

When the stranger lady dumps billions of dollars on your desk each quarter, you don’t worry too much about direct revenue producing products on a quarterly basis. Hence the feeling all too often that Google isn’t operating under the same strategic pressures as other companies.

That’s all to say, when you look at partnerships Google does, you can’t always look at it through the same lense you would other companies. You almost have to take on that cutely, starry eyed attitude most Googleers have: we just thought it was a good idea and Larry and Sergey agreed!

To the Google/SpringSource announcement, then. The first two items – integrating Roo and GWT can be taken at face value as just a “good idea.” GWT has been successful, and it’s certainly one of the UI toolkits I about (Java) hear people using frequently.

On Spring Insight

Integrating together Spring Insight and Google Speed Tracer is half “just a good idea,” but also ties up with Google’s enterprise cloud strategy, AppEngine. As Oracle’s William Vambenepe recently showed, the management piece of a PaaS is an extremely complex and demanding set of functionality: you can’t just expect people to sort out diagnosing cloud-based applications on their own, they’ll need tools that are designed to work with that platform. They need a Wily for the cloud, which is what this tie-up is going for: doing end-to-end tracing of a request from glass to metal, from front-end (if it’s Chrome) to database.

The demos are compelling, but, of course, limited to the Spring stack.

The third announcement ties much of this together and gives you some tea leaves. Hidden in the messaging around the “SpringSource Tool Suite and Google Plugin for Eclipse” is the fact that the Spring Framework is essentially being “certified” (thought they don’t call it that) to run on Google AppEngine. AppEngine has long been a weird-beast of Java: it has a whitelist of classes that will work and support, which is a fancy way of saying it’s not 100% Java compatible. Having Spring, more or less, “certified” to run on AppEngine means developers can worry a little less about that weirdness…if they develop on Spring.

At that point, tying in the ETE monitoring that Spring Insight and Speed Tracer brings you makes sense – it’s part of that stack.

For VMWare, this is another cloud partner that Spring is paving the path for. SalesForce, of course, is the other prominent one. It’s interesting to watch the “use Spring as PaaS interop” as part of VMWare’s cloud strategy, and I’d expect to see more such moves as they try to get their tendrils into as many “clouds” as possible. In a post open source world (pardon the phrase), it’s worth thinking on the question: if your code runs on most of the (proprietary clouds), does that mean it’s interoperable, or lock-in madness? The answer is a little less clear than you’d think if you grew up in the era of rainbows and sandals (like this guy did, dear readers).

It’ll certainly roil up the usual Java suspects, esp. those who have their own cloud agenda to push (mostly RedHat and IBM, and Oracle if you slap in their “cloud is everything, so, yes, we’re doing cloud” world-view).

The New SDKs: Social, Mobile, Big Data

SpringOne stickers

Next up, SpringSource started tossing out some vision in a rare escape from the highly technical (and welcome) content they usually put out at SpringOne. Rod Johnson and others pointed out that “social” and “mobile” are two huge areas of interest looming in the future (and in the here and now if you’re lucky to work on it). They’ve been hammering away at projects in both spaces, represented by their running reference application, Greenhouse.

Here, the pivot you need to make is thinking about all those social networking sites and services (from Facebook to LinkedIn to Twitter) as “the new APIs” that the Spring Framework will wrap. That’s been Spring’s thing since the beginning: finding the APIs (and, implicitly, the actual running code underneath the interfaces) that are popular and powerful, but terrible to actually use – J2EE, for example. Then take wrap those APIs in the Spring to make them easier to use. From that, the rest of the Spring empire was built.

Now, there’s less action in the framework and API world than their used to be. There’s still plenty for sure – but the real interesting action are in the APIs that social services host: the Twitter API, Facebook connect. These aren’t things that will show up as an open source project somewhere, they just exist as the one API in the cloud.

For SpringSource, then, the shift is to treat those hosted APIs the same as they did J2EE, and try to figure out how to integrate them into (corporate, mostly) Java developers’ work.

Mobile is another form factor, another UI. The thick-client model mobile encourages seems to be having some interesting effects on the old MVC monopoly, and once you throw in JavaScript as first class citizen (something SpringSource hasn’t done yet), things do start to look different.

And, then there’s NoSQL, which means to SpringSource, as Rod Johnson said, “We mean ‘Not Only SQL.'” Their GemFire buy gets them into some credible discussion here, as does the work with neo4j. RedMonk has been field many inquiries about using NoSQL, so I can’t help but agree with the sentiment I heard several times from SpringSource folks that now is the time to start sorting out when to use Not Only SQL.

Disclosure: VMWare is a client, and paid air and hotel for this trip. TaskTop is a client as well. IBM, RedHat, and Neo Technology are clients as well. As always, see the RedMonk client list for others in this space.

Categories: Conferences, Development Tools, Enterprise Software, Java, Open Source, Quick Analysis.

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Links for October 15th through October 19th


Disclosure: see the RedMonk client list for clients mentioned.

Categories: Links.

SAP Private Cloud Work and Big Data – Press Pass

I talk with the press frequently. They thankfully whack down my ramblings into concise quotes. For those who prefer to see more, I try to dump publish slightly polished up conversations I have with press into this new category of posts: Press Pass.

SAP made several announcement today around virtualization, private cloud, and in-memory analytics today, during SAP TechEd. I spoke with a couple reporters on the topic, mostly sorting out “what it all means.”

Making SAP Applications (Private) Cloud-ready

Here’s a conversation I had with Chris Kanaracus around his story this afternoon covering announcements around “a new solution designed to manage SAP system landscapes in data centers using modern virtual infrastructure and clouds.”

SAP announced the start of a project to, as I understand it, make their applications run better on highly virtualized environments, or “private clouds.” (“Private cloud” has all but consumed “virtualization” for the most part at the moment, so it’s marginally safe to use those concept interchangeably at this high of a level.) Along with that re-working/optimizing, they have some additional management software targeted at that type of deployment.

I don’t have any figures or data, but the obvious question to ask is how many SAP installs are already running on such environments, highly virtualized ones if not “private clouds.” I’d guess from SAP starting this project, not many.VMware had some nice numbers around the types of applications running on their stack about a month ago, covered by Jon Brodkin recently: Exchange and SQL Server topped the list (see Bob Warfield’s SaaS-y take), while only 18% had virtualized SAP applications

Why would SAP do it’s own management software instead of having partners just do it? Well, most application companies like to bundle their own management tools – Oracle does, for example [hello, William!]. Esp. for when it comes to things like installation, provisioning, and configuring things within the application, not just the infrastructure supporting it. Not knowing exactly what the “landscape management solution” would do, it’s tough to say. But, in theory if an application as beefy as SAP applications are was running on-top of a “private cloud” (or a “highly virtualized environment”) there would be a lot of application-level management needed beyond the usual event management, green-light red-light monitoring, and service request management. Indeed, the announcement lists functionality such as:

[S]ystem clone and copy framework, automated capacity management, SAP landscape visibility in all layers, and capabilities intended to help simplify the provisioning and management of SAP systems in virtual and cloud infrastructures.

Those are all things you’d worry about when running and application in a highly virtualized (or “private cloud” environment). Much of it has to do with automated otherwise manual tasks – like on-boarding new users and services, and allocating the infrastructure for it, etc. For example, in the retail space, if a new store popped up, you’d have to do provisioning within various SAP systems to setup new employees, track inventory, etc. In the utopic cloud world, much of that would be self-service automated with “private cloud” voodoo. Like setting up a Google Apps corporate instance, or a account.

They say it’ll take a year, sound right? – For sure – re-architecting something as big as SAP applications to run on some whacky new environment like “private cloud” (which has about as many definitions as “pudding” does in the English language) takes a long time. And then there’s all the supporting tools, training materials, putting together SI engagement plans, and the marketing to prove to people that you should put in the time and money to switch.

How about the partners mentioned, and what about OpenStack? – I’d expect SAP to just partner with big name companies like Cisco, EMC, VMware – the whole UCS gang [in the announcement below, IBM is a big partner around analytics]. If a company came along a took up the reigns of OpenStack support for the private cloud, SAP might be interested – but they’d probably rather go with another big, decades plus established tech company. Rackspace doesn’t seem interested in doing full “private cloud” work like that, so someone else would have to come along.

Analytics and Big Data

While I missed talking to him before publishing (getting to my Twitter DM’s a bit too late), I emailed with Alex Williams afterwards around SAP’s Big Data and analytics announcements. Check out Alex’s piece, complete with the chuckler lines of “It was actually interesting. SAP held my attention.”

The point (business use) of these Big Data & Analytics projects is easy to gloss over, esp. when the technology is overly fetishized (and why not? it’s damn impressive stuff). The nut is that data processing previously only available to spies, scientists, and weatherman is now affordable to “everyone” (at least, mid-tier and full-on enterprise shops). The main thing missing from much of this talk are examples of what having that kind of computational power means, from interesting to boring. IBM’s Smart Planet stuff is largely about Big Data – applying it and how IT & business can/should change in response to more analytics. But, other than that the examples get fuzzy – except for the stuff Facebook potentially does with highly targeted ads, which I stick in the bucket of Better Junk Mail.

For example, several years ago I talked with a developer at a toothpaste company, and he said they had their coupon targeting down to a science. They could predict pretty successfully how many more (or less) sales they’d get on various items in various geographic regions if they sent out different types of coupons (discounts vs. buy one get one free, etc.). I might be making some of that up from memory, but the idea of doing that in “real time” (or 24 hour cycles vs. 1-4 week reports) is interesting…and minty fresh. With real time analytics, a business can start to think about how it programs its market, controlling customer/consumer spending as much as possible. Think about the kind of “cheap” market engineering sites like GroupOn allow companies to do, and expand that out to all of retail, for example.

Alex also asked SAP’s CTO, Vishal Sikka, about explaining private cloud to customers:

For my question I asked about how SAP explains the private cloud to customers. Sikka explained that a private cloud will operate in the same manner as a public cloud. So then is there a distinction? Why does all this investment need to be made if the public and private cloud operate one in the same?

Indeed, that’s a weird answer from Vishal about explaining private cloud. It sort of begs the question how they explain public cloud.

Disclosure: SAP is a client, as are IBM, VMWare, and Rackspace.

Categories: Enterprise Software, Press Pass.

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