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Real cloud aren't fluffy, webinar recording

As you might recall, I did a webinar earlier this week (put on by RedMonk client discussing uses and benefits of cloud computing in the here and now for “normal” folks. The recording is now up, so you can go check it out if you’re interested. There’s also a pretty good, short example of using to manage cloud-based applications as well – it’s a lot more than just a help desk over there.

Disclosure: is a client and paid for my participation in this webinar.

Categories: Cloud, Systems Management.

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Oracle vs. Who's Next? – Press Pass

I talk with the press frequently. They thankfully whack down my ramblings into concise quotes. For those who prefer to see more, I try to dump publish slightly polished up conversations I have with press into this new category of posts: Press Pass.

I keep getting asked about the impact of Oracle’s Java and open source world moves on the state of things in those two spaces. You may recall a previous pass pass from John K. Waters seeking comment on Doug Lea departing the JCP.

Innovation happens elsewhere

Recently, John K. Waters once again asked for comment on all this, I believe for this piece. Here’s what I replied:

Coupled with Oracle’s suing Google over Google’s kinda-sorta Java runtime, Dalvick, and the stink around the Hudson project trying to move and Oracle trying to prevent them, people should now know what the expect from Oracle. They’re a very commercial software company and will use – even get involved in – open source if it positively effects ORCL revenue.

Clearly, the idea of letting members of any given “community” do things that Oracle disagrees with is something Oracle wants to prevent. And, really, I don’t hold it against them as a business. They bought Sun as an asset and, no doubt, in their eyes the more open parts of that asset are, the less control Oracle has over them, and, thus, the lower the value of that asset…and future ability to pull out profit.

That said, the Apache Software Foundation has done a tremendous amount over the years to make the Java world a better place. The web server (which is not Java), sure, but the vast array projects that implement standards and the other libraries have brought millions, if not more, in revenue to the Java world: Struts, Tomcat, and so forth. And now, many of the important and interesting projects in the Java world are housed at the ASF – Hadoop and Casandra to name two Big Data examples. Java developers and companies owe a lot to the ASF.

If the ASF, its members, and the projects withdrawal from participating in the official Java process, it’ll push Java innovation further from the control of the standards bodies and its patrons. If more people take their toys and leave, as it were, the sanctioned Java world will have less fun toys to play with. I don’t think that threatens Oracle, IBM, SAP, or any other member of the official Java world very much in the here and now. But, it does mean that some key innovators – not all – will seek new places to evolve Java (see the Spring Framework as a historic example of this occurring). That could mean less control, ironically, for people like Oracle and more hassle when they want to catch-up with and incorporate those innovations if their customers start demanding them, and are willing to pay for such innovations.

A whole lot more

Recently, in my personal podcast, (whose name should suggest to you the cursing and casual, amateurish nature there-in) I summarized the state of things and the (vague) impact I think Oracle’s moves (ASF leaving, trying to retain Hudson at is and will have. If you’re up for it, here’s about 40 minutes on the topic:

We also talk a tremendous amount about the business of enterprise software, enterprise IT, and developer relations as it relates to self-identifying (or not) with big companies like Oracle.

If you don’t want to sit here and watch the video above, you can download the audio directly, or subscribe to the podcast to get the audio.

That other guy is my old friend and co-host, Charles Lowell, of The Frontside Software.

Disclosure: the ASF is a client, as is IBM, Cloudera, and VMWare.

Categories: Enterprise Software, Java, Press Pass, Programming.

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What's the point of "Enterprise RIA"? – an overview and two examples

Beyond videos, cartoons, and web sites driving towards entertainment, rich user experiences platforms are looking towards “enterprise” use cases for novel and productive uses. While the content and the interaction may be different – you’re trying to get something done in an enterprise setting, not just fill your time with fun – the basic technologies remain the same.

While at Adobe MAX this year, I had the chance to quiz a few people on what exactly “Enterprise RIA” is and, valuably, talk through how projects are done and then see a couple demos of such Enterprise RIAs in action.

What’s the point of Enterprise RIA? Ben Watson tells us

The discussion starts with Adobe’s Ben Watson who explains what this enterprise RIA concept is and why it matters to companies. The idea of having a compelling, engaging piece of software is normally cliché, but Ben does a good job of explaining why you want that, what the benefits are and how that kind of experience can help organizations:

You can also just download the video if you prefer that.

Mobile Kiosk

Next up, we talk with Universal Mind’s Chris Rogers who talks to us about the process and tactics of doing an enterprise RIA project. I tend to think that “has a good user experience” is a different requirement to push through a project, so I wanted to hear how Universal Mind manages to do it. Chris gives a good, quick overview based on their word in the field:


After this project and process talk, Chris shows us an enterprise RIA prototype they’ve built that around cellphone users interacting with their account across different form factors, including a kiosk that we see on the show floor:

If you’d prefer to download the videos, the overview and demo are just a right click away.

Beyond the clip-board with medical records

There’s few enterprise-y scenarios more fraught with pit-falls than converting the medical industry over to paperless, getting rid off all those paper and pen forms doctors, nurses, and hospital staff seem to have a tragic romance with. Thanks to the sheer beauty of new form factors, like the iPad, the folks at Ensemble have been finding success using enterprise RIA as the way to digitize medical records.

First, Ensemble’s Vlad Ghelesel gives us an overview of the project and how enterprise RIA is being applied:

After this overview, Vlad shows us a demo of the product in action on, of course, an iPad:

You can download the overview and demo if you’d prefer that over the embeds above.

In addition to the videos above, you can subscribe to the RedMonk Media feed, for example, in iTunes, to have them automatically downloaded.

Transcript – Ben Watson on Enterprise RIA

Michael Coté: All right, well, here we are at Adobe MAX 2010. I mean we’ve seen a lot of consumer-based technologies and RIA use and things like Google TV and AIR on phones and things like that, but in the context of business users, like what is this, what is sort of this Enterprise RIA or Business RIA stuff?

Ben Watson: Enterprise RIA is a marketing term. It’s a group of technologies, a set of methodologies, a set of best practices, there are some patterns that we bring from SOA, from experienced design, from user experience. We are bringing them to bear in an application. So if I think about it from an enterprise perspective, it’s connected to the backend systems. It’s got audit and control mechanisms in place that are going to please IT, it’s going to make sure that that application gets delayed, and doesn’t just get ripped out kind of later on.

The bottom line is RIA is a term; it’s a yet another kind of technology acronym. It’s error backwards. I think it’s kind of about as passé as color TV and we’re going to have these applications at the edge; maybe we can call them edgeware or whatever we’re going to call it that ultimately integrate, talk to, manipulate data from, collect information and collect user interactions in a meaningful way and apply them against those underlying systems. I really mean everywhere because I see it yes, I see it in the consumer space, I see it on TVs, I see it running on hundreds of different kinds of devices, but I see that as B2B, as B2C, as within supply chain as a way of a doctor understanding a patient history, a way for a loss adjuster in the insurance market to understand and interact with a situation that’s taking place in the field.

We are replacing metaphors from our everyday life. We are replacing human interaction with a much more intuitive way than previous applications partners. We don’t go though our life in a page based metaphor, kind of clicking on next, next, next or navigating using a drop-down in order to organize our thoughts. That’s counterintuitive. But if you design something based on my goals, based on my motivations, if you use persuasion, some game theory, give me some beautiful, emotional, kind of graphics that are going to make me feel engaged and make me feel like I am part of something then that’s a rich experience. And this is really just about an experience at the end of the day. My experience happens to be with a business or with an enterprise and that comes with conditions and expectations that I have of that company, I have of that brand and that persistent brand needs to trickle and bleed through the interface in such a way that I feel compelled to keep using it that I feel compelled to share with other people what a great experience it is.

So you know I kind of push that terminology aside and say it’s an opportunity for designers and developers to work together. These two sumo wrestlers, they are used to be facing off against each other on the mat and banging their bellies into each other while seeing who yell the loudest that was kind of a pointless development, kind of waterfall exercise. And instead what we have is this great collaboration that can take place where I can use an agile methodology; I can shift ideas back and forth in the design and development process. I can prototype at high speed and I can take advantage of what I learn from that prototype, inject that back into my applications, use it in different and new and exciting ways, share components of what I’ve learned with my other developer friends, with my other designers.

Let that brand persist through the development and design process across everything that we are doing on top of the enterprise. So I am taking this clunky Siebel, highly complex SAP backend, I am not forcing you to self-select yourself into a database, make a bunch of the columns and rows, and I am not using a page or not clicking through life going next, next, next. You are going through completing a goal. You are going through following through in what you are motivated to do and you just happen to be doing it in the context of an application.

Michael Coté: Can you sort of explain in this context, what engagement or engaging user experience looks like in a business context?

Ben Watson: I think maybe it’s as base as the laws of attraction, it’s as common as feeling compelled to sit down in front of a piece of art and study for a few minutes. When you hear a piece of music for the first time and a shiver runs up the back of your spine, there’s some magic that happens in design and we persist that through the interface in such a way that people feel that compelling need to interact with it. I am sure I’m captured on your motivation, I didn’t happen to hear music because just out of the blue, I like music, I went and found music, I just happened to find a piece that I became really interested in. In this case, I needed to do something, I needed to get something done and a designer who understood that, understood my motivation, who spent time understanding what it was that I wanted took some additional time, some extra time to build in my motivation, to build in my need to that and I recognize that and that’s what’s engaging me.

I recognize my own needs being met, I recognize maybe in some cases intuitively that this is for me and it’s something I really want to do and in other cases, maybe really logically because I understand — I have a process in mind maybe, I want to go through and fill out my tax return, I want to purchase a complex service from an insurance company or a bank. I am not really thinking about bank and I am not thinking about brand and I am not thinking about application. I am thinking about driving my new car properly insured, I am thinking about making sure my family is safe and then my property is safe. I am thinking about how much that’s going to cost me maybe at the end of the day and how to factor that into my budget and maybe I have got some kind of thoughts or competitive quotes or all of those kind of things.

These little things that happen in my life that are motivating me to do that, are opportunities for design to recognize my situation, my own personal experience and kind of bleed that, persist that through the interface in such a way and that’s going to make me feel better about what I am doing. I am more likely to share that experience and less likely to have buyer remorse at the end of the cycle because I felt good through that, somebody was actually holding my hand but they were doing it in this invisible kind of untethered way and I felt okay about that.

Michael Coté: So in sort of like the Adobe ecosystem, I mean Adobe obviously sells the software that builds these kinds of experiences. Can you give us a sense for the kind of like ecosystem of other people out there who are building these kinds of applications?

Ben Watson: Sure! I think that’s a critically important factor. I would say the most important thing for Adobe to succeed in our new mission around customer experience management is to embrace our partner ecosystem to understand the new skill set, to put our arms around business analyst and usability analyst in a way that we haven’t in the past, to make sure that we can act as a catalyst to move a discussion back and forth between a business need and an IT need, to help each other understand what’s going to change, what’s culturally going to have to change, what’s going to change from a delivery point of view, where am I going to feel uncomfortable in this process, what’s going to make me feel, this isn’t how I’ve done things in the past. There is a new opportunity for user experience professionals.

I think it’s their time in the sun. I see the growth in the community, I see the growth of online dialog, I see the growth of the terms in social channels like Twitter, etcetera. The conversation around user experience is increasing and it’s an opportunity for us to not only continue to provide great tools from server platforms, things that help you get your job done, things that push products to market faster, things that ensure that services are secure and built in an enterprise way, but maybe even more importantly to have the right conversations with the right professionals and put them together with our customers, so that they can form the meaningful relationship that’s going to be required to get the stuff built.

Transcript – Chris Rogers on introducing the process of Enterprise RIA

Michael Coté: Well, here we are at MAX 2010 to hear about some people who’ve been doing Enterprise RIA and engagement and exciting stuff in the business world that doesn’t involve just streaming videos. Why don’t you introduce yourself real quick?

Chris Rogers: I’ll do that. I am Chris Rogers. I work with Universal Mind. I our VP of consulting which means I manage our core business, which is working with customers primarily in the enterprise and in the innovation space around RIA.

Michael Coté: We were talking with Adobe’s Ben Watson about what it means to sort of be in Enterprise RIA or to fit kind of the Adobe experience into a business context and what’s interesting about you guys is you actually go out and do the hard work of doing that with the tools that they provide and others. What’s interesting in that aspect is that people seem a lot of software projects are kind of dismissive of actually, this is going to sound corny, but studying what the users actually want and how they interact with their software. And how do you sort of convince people that they should take the time to actually figure out how their users are using the software versus just kind of satisfy a list of features that they should put into that, the software.

Chris Rogers: Yeah, so I’ll give you an equally geeky response which is we used to begin our user experience exercises with the discrete research fogures and if customers aren’t sort of convinced that that’s needed, often they are clients I should say, clients feel like they know their customers really well, we faked into more of an iterative design approach. So in short sprints, we go all the way through concepts of user research through prototyping, which is something a customer does understand in the user experience design sort of world. So we sort of snuck it in by making sure that we do it in an iterative fashion and we can go from user research, understating users to wire-framing and prototyping up those experiences so very often customers get to see what’s happening and why that’s important. So it’s a bit of an education process, but as long as they’re getting out of it at the end of these brief sprints, what they are looking for, they seem to get more about in and it becomes more part of the process with that client.

So there is a couple of different ways that this works. In some senses, an Enterprise RIA can refer to something that’s within the four walls of an enterprise and is used for a customer to interact in a business transaction. So there is a finite user group and for us that’s an easier way to interview folks, understand personas and understand their sort of interactions and workflows. Enterprise might also refer to applications that are business focused like something like a banking application, even though the target user is a consumer. That’s sort of an undefinable user group because it could be anyone who banks and that’s sort of all of us.

Michael Coté: And again, a lot of what you getting at is figuring out the touchpoints the user is having with the software, and then really polishing the crap out of those touchpoints.

Chris Rogers: Well, there maybe software and there may not be. There will be software once we are done with them, but in some cases, it might be a process that already exists in another fashion. So it might be interactive in multiple applications or physical things like calculators and calendars that are hanging on their wall. There is one example where we worked with financial services company where we went into a user’s cubical and found posted notes and calculators and calendars hanging around the wall.

We found out that those were just crutches that they were using in addition to the technology that they’d had in-house that they thought was just fine. By integrating a lot of sort of the crutches that they’re using in their day-to-day process into the application, we sort of made a much more relevant and usable application for our customer.

So a great user experience doesn’t have to be flashy and full of animation and sexy choreography; a great user experience means that the process is accomplished in as few steps and as elegantly and obviously as possible in most cases. So where a visual metaphor is more important with something potentially like a mapping application or something where you want to see the where and the when of the information and the data, I think we can go down that path.

But user experience for the sake of sizzle is really not the end game in Enterprise software. I think the Adobe toolset, things like Flex and LiveCycle Data Services, etcetera these are enterprise grade platforms that not only foster that user experience, but the IT professional on the backend understands and is not afraid of and can tie into existing data and services.

Michael Coté: When you sort of deliver this project or these kinds of
projects, what’s kind of — the sort of “leave behind” you do for management or whoever to kind of rate the success of it — like how do know their project is done and know to be happy with it?

Chris Rogers: There are a couple of answers there. One is if a customer is getting into sort of a crowded space and wants to enter that space and differentiate by innovating, then the answer to that is how we build something that takes them one step ahead of where the competitors are. So an example of that is working with, for instance, Kodak Gallery who self-admittedly kind of got behind the Shutterflies, and the Snapfishes of the world.

When we help them to build in innovative features and innovative experience to the new website, they can go off and then measure, are they having greater use of the features that are featured on the website and are they getting better adoption, things like that.

On the other hand, if it’s more of an enterprise focused application where market share and things like that aren’t as important, we sort of leave it to, are the customers using — are users getting more out of the data and using the existing enterprise applications in ways that they probably were afraid of doing before. Admittedly, we don’t do so much of that measurement. There has been a lot of discussion here around Omniture and some of the analytics tools that Adobe offers and it’s probably something we could do. But really, we’re in the business of making sure that we translate what a customer is either the problem that they are trying to fix or strategic objective that they trying to realize and making sure that at the end of the project, we’ve done that.

Michael Coté: Well, thanks for being on.

Chris Rogers: Thank you for having me.

Transcript – Vlad Ghelesel on Enterprise RIA

Michael Coté: Well, here we are at Adobe MAX 2010 and we have been talking about different Enterprise RIAs to use the term loosely or just fun RIA experiences in a business context. We’ve got someone else who is going to walk us through one project that they worked on that definitely fits into that context. Do you want to introduce yourself first?

Vlad Ghelesel: Sure, my name is Vlad Ghelesel, I am with Ensemble Systems and I am the VP of Business Development, and I essentially touch all of the projects that are ongoing on Ensemble and all of the relationships that we have with our partners like Adobe and our customers whoever they might be.

Michael Coté: There is a project in the healthcare sector for a hospital that you were working on and can you kind of lay out what the need was that they had, like what were they trying to accomplish by engaging with you guys?

Vlad Ghelesel: Sure. So, yeah, the need is more than just at the hospital level. So we are working with the National Health System basically in the UK and the need is to make the whole system more efficient and to deliver patient care in a more efficient way whereby access to the assets that belong to a patient as they are making their way in their lifetime through the medical system will live with that person all the way along. So if they see a physician at hospital X and then they go to hospital Y, there is a consistency of the information available to all the different clinicians that are working with that patient to deliver out services.

Michael Coté: It’s sort of like a portable file that’s electronic.

Vlad Ghelesel: It is. It’s more than just the mobile story. It’s the whole system behind having the ability to have all of these what are normally pieces of paper be put into this system that then allows mobile devices or workstations to access this information from a single source.

Michael Coté: I mean it seems like traditionally and currently, it’s very challenging to get, I think, the phrasing is always doctors to stop using paper or whatever. In this case, how did the client and yourselves and other people that you are working with, how did you get over that. We’re actually going to do this and electrify and digitize all this.

Vlad Ghelesel: Yeah, interesting question. So first off, the work is being done is a very strong partnership between ourselves, Cognizant and Adobe consulting in the UK and it’s being rolled out to some specific sites in the UK. But I think we got involved with this particular customer that the first instance is being rolled out at and we just had such great buy-in right from the beginning because they are looking for this wow factor and the way that that came out was particularly in showing them an iPad application. You walk into a room full of hospital executives and you hand them all an iPad and you show them this application and they absolutely fall out of their chairs basically because it just changes the game. It changes the space that they think about because everything is very much paper, everything is file folders and clipboards and writing stuff down and now you are imagining having a tablet based device that you can do digital dictation so you are doing your voice into a device and that’s being transcribed on the device.

You can do video collaboration to talk with a specialist at another hospital while you are seeing a patient in this hospital. You can do stuff like dash-boarding. I mean there are all sorts of things now that as you’re talking to these hospitals is just such a different way of thinking of how to solve the problem that it’s just — it’s led itself into them saying you know what, let’s go for this and we’ll do it.

Michael Coté: It sounds like, and correct me if I am wrong, but the way to appeal to that big change is not through functionality, but really just through engagement or even beautiful applications.

Vlad Ghelesel: So there are a couple of things. We all talk about software, we all talk about engagement and all that stuff, but at the end of the day, it’s a people thing. It’s you are building these great usable experiences and fantastic looking things, but unless you are spending time with the people that are going to use it, you can miss the mark. With the environment that we are working with this customer in the UK, we have great access to commissions in the hospital that are working with us on requirements, the same way that Universal Mind will spend time in a call center and look at someone working in a cubical and figuring out that these are these posted notes and calculators and all that kind of stuff, it’s the same kind of exercise you go through.

But in this case, you are talking about being in an environment where there are literally lives around you that are at stake. I heard an interesting quote from someone who I will not name. But basically the ROI for an application like this is in a life saved that’s what the ROI is.

And when you think about all these enterprise applications and RIAs and all the stuff that are being built, and you think about a dollar value that’s attached to it, we do business and consulting. We do business where it’s about Return On Investment in a dollar amount. But we’re in this new paradigm where well, how many lives have you saved, and that’s the ROI.

Disclosure: Adobe is a client and sponsored these videos.

Categories: Conferences, Enterprise Software, Programming, RIA, RIA Weekly.

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Links for December 15th through December 16th

Sugar Cookies

Disclosure: see the RedMonk client list for clients mentioned.

Categories: Links.

Tivoli Live – service manager – Overview and Demo

IBM recently extended it’s SaaS-based IT Management suite, Tivoli Live, by adding in a bundle of features under the banner of “service manager.” More than just a service desk, it comes with an asset manager, configuration management, a service catalog, and more. Check out the data sheet for more details and the Tivoli Live website.

To catch up on this, I talked with IBM’s Phil Fritz and then CJ Paul for an overview and then demo:


There’s also another overview video Phil did from IBM.


Overview Transcript

Michael Coté: Hello everybody! Here we are in Austin, Texas, at the IBM Austin Campus, which is always nice to visit. And we have a, I don’t know, two or three time returning guest here to go over some new exciting stuff in Tivoli land. Why don’t you introduce yourself?

Phil Fritz: Thanks Michael. I am Phil Fritz. I am a Product Manager at Tivoli, and my area is our Tivoli Live Software-as-a-Service portfolio.

Michael Coté: In the Tivoli Live portfolio about — it was actually just about a year ago that we filmed the little overview that we did about the Tivoli Live, the first release that came out with. And basically, it had some monitoring and recording and things along those areas.

And you guys are coming — you have come out with the new — it’s always interesting picking in a SaaS how you phrase this stuff, but you have come out with a new product in the SaaS?

Phil Fritz: Yeah, a new offering, a new service.

Michael Coté: Yeah, a new part of it. So why don’t you tell us about the new service that’s in Tivoli Live?

Phil Fritz: Yeah. It was about a year ago we came out with our first one, and this is a continuation of that strategy. We are going to add more of our portfolio in a Software-as-a-Service delivery. So we are announcing Tivoli Live – service manager as our new service offering.

It complements our monitoring offering and it consists essentially of our Core Service Desk, Service Catalog, Change Management Database, Change Management, Configuration Management Processes, and Release Management Processes, and not only that, but you also get Asset Management.

So it’s a very large part of our automation stack, what we like to call a process automation stack, that takes us all the way from problem, incident, change, and into IT Asset Management, and we are very excited about it, because it’s an ideal solution to deliver in a SaaS model.

Michael Coté: I am always a bit beguiled by the name service manager, because I expected this to be like a help desk, but it sounds like there is actually a tremendously more, it’s not just tickets that you are moving in and out of it.

Phil Fritz: And this matches what we see from a lot of our customers is, we see a lot of mature processes around problem and incident management, but we also see a lot of challenges in moving beyond that, and sort of affecting service management, ITIL processes, and getting that moved beyond just simple problem and incident management. And what helps a lot with that is having a core data model, so that all of the processes can share the data.

Change Management Database is an important part of that data model. So that when you do put problems in the system, that those surface up as changes and you are dealing with the same assets, same configuration items throughout those processes.

And not only that, but when you also add in things like IT assets; my laptop is broken and I have that serial number on that laptop, that’s data you want available across all these different processes, and the lifecycle management of those assets as well.

So we find that these are all interrelated and it’s best to have a solution that can take advantage of that data.

Michael Coté: Looking at what you are doing with service manager, like how — if someone is an existing sort of a Tivoli user, like how is this going to fit into what they have already? I mean it’s not — it doesn’t — I can’t imagine that — obviously this does not move all their stuff to the cloud or something, it’s just moving part of the workflow or something.

So can you kind of speak to how the usage scenario of using service manager would fit in with managing all your additional IT and things like that, what does it end up looking like?

Phil Fritz: There’s actually lots of different ways you can consume this capability, because the Tivoli portfolio is pretty big, as you know. And so we generally either tend to have tools that focus on automating tasks of a particular silo, like Database Management tools and Server Management tools and things like that, or we have processes that span across those different silos to be able to affect changes.

So typically if you are a Tivoli user, but you are only using some of the domain specific tools, the SaaS capability, as well as our product, doesn’t really matter which way you consume it, provides that overlay, that ability to tie in all those different silos of expertise and have them flow in a consistent process, either when you are releasing or making changes to the environment. So that’s one scenario in which it can fit.

So folks that may have looked at that, implementing ITIL best practices or ITIL processes to cut across their domains, SaaS may be less of an intimidating model by which to consume these capabilities in-house, because now you can focus on the process integration as opposed to getting the infrastructure all set up and talking.

The second scenario is, what if you already have a service desk; service desk is a pretty mature part of the market, so by and large, most people have some kind of ticketing system? Well, the neat part about this is, because it’s based on the same software, for our existing Tivoli customers, if they want to, for example, take their service desk to the next level and add an Asset Management, it’s a fairly seamless experience across the two. In fact, we hope that the experience we deliver to the end users or let’s say the asset manager user that has to go and integrate their asset system of the tickets, they may not even know or care that for different parts of the applications, some of it’s being hosted in-house, some of it’s being hosted over at IBL.

So that’s the kind of experience we want to be able to deliver that way. Customers that want to explore adding more capabilities can do so in a step-wise fashion without a lot of incremental investments to go along the way, you can just kind of scale it up.

Michael Coté: What are the tie-ins to on-premising, like you were getting into the sort of configuration management and things like that, like does it sort of scan your local network, or how do you get that view? How do you cross the firewall?

Phil Fritz: Right, right. We have built a lot of simplified interfaces to enable very quick startup for a lot of our customer. So what is new in the SaaS version is we have created some interfaces to allow uploading of CSV or Excel file. So if you have got set of users or you have got a set of other information you want to upload quickly into SaaS version, we have that capability.

Obviously over time, all of the integrations that we have built into the product we will make available through the SaaS model. There is an option for VPN; if you want to enable a VPN, sort of enable other types of traffic to talk back to our SaaS, our SaaS deliverable.

And as just like other products, as time goes by, we will be adding more and more capabilities and functions along those lines to support that.

Michael Coté: And like you said, you have — everyone has a service desk and there is plenty of on-premise things, and everyone has service management stuff as well, or many people do, and so when you guys decided to go after providing all of the service management stuff as a SaaS, like what caused you to want to do that? What’s the motivation?

Phil Fritz: First and foremost, customers are asking for it. So we want to — we are hearing our customers say, hey, is there a way I can consume some of this capability with some of the upfront investments I need to make? So certainly, that’s the main motivation for delivering this type of capability.

And from just a pure looking at the market, it allows IBM to reach into other parts of the market, general business, or mid market that may have always had a requirement for this type of capability, but it has always been a bigger challenge for these small organizations to be able to pick that up.

So that’s very exciting for us to be able to service this market using this model. We don’t have to dump things down. We don’t have to remove functionality to access it. We are actually leveraging our cloud, which — there is another motivation there is, this adds more content to our own cloud, we like to drink our own champagne. We have this great platform that why wouldn’t we take advantage of this platform to deliver these core capabilities.

So obviously part of it is our customers are asking for it, part of it is us wanting to address new markets.

It’s also great to do a trial, to try before you buy. Even if the customer is not necessarily looking at SaaS as a long-term solution, this is a great way, like I said earlier, hey, I want to try this other new function, here is a quick way of getting it integrated, getting it in the hands of our users, giving direct feedback to us, so this kind of helps perpetuate a better feedback cycle for us.

Michael Coté: Yeah. And that’s one of the interesting things I have seen in I guess the enterprise software area of SaaS is, it’s a lot less onerous to just try something out. I mean, usually in an on-premise environment, you have got to get some boxes and provision things and set up access, whereas when things are offered as a SaaS, it’s, at least at the demo area, the demo stage, it’s easy to just get a sense of what it would be like, which is — that’s kind of refreshing.

Phil Fritz: It is. And a lot of our enterprise customers want more than just a demo. They want to do a proof, show me, and show me how it works, and this is a great way to deliver that proof.

Michael Coté: Well, great! Well, thanks for taking all that time to tell us about the new offering.

Is there like a website you can go to, to check it out, speaking of being able to take it out for a spin, like what’s the — is there a URL or anything?

Phil Fritz: Yeah. So on the 7th we will have a URL out there. I believe it will be, but if you just Google Tivoli Live, we will have a splash page with the user IDs and all that kind of fun stuff and you can go try it out yourself.

Michael Coté: Well, that sounds great! Well, thanks again!

Phil Fritz: Thanks!

Demo Transcript

Michael Coté: Well, we are going to check out a demo of Tivoli Live – service manager, and to do that we have another guest to go through the demo for us. You want to introduce yourself real quickly.

CJ Paul: Yes. Hi! My name is CJ Paul. I am the Product Architect for this family of products.

What you are seeing here is the Log in screen. One of the things I want to point out right up front is that, this product is enabled for multiple languages. So right on the Login screen itself there are options for different languages that the user can choose to use the system in.

So as you click through the different languages, not only does the prompts change, but all of the information and the help that is provided by the product also changes.

We will go into the tool right now with the User ID of an end user, and here you see the end user logging in to a Self-Service portal. And in this particular portal they have information presented to them about any particular outages that are coming up. They have some options on the screen that lets them create tickets for any issues that they may be facing.

And in addition to that, we also have a Service Catalog that allows them to proactively request new services from the organization.

So here I am going to take you to the Service Catalog. We have lots of different Offerings that the user could navigate through in different ways.

Michael Coté: And are these sort of out of the box things that you guys provide or scenarios people have added in?

CJ Paul: We provide a large number of Offerings defined out of the box, with some fulfillment workflows behind them. And then the tool itself is actually quite configurable, so that it’s easy for users to add in new Offerings.

Michael Coté: Oh, right, okay.

CJ Paul: And they don’t have to write code, they can just go in and configure the tool to do that.

So just to give you a feel for one of these Offerings, I can click on the Office Move Request.

One thing you will notice here is, the Offerings here can cover both your traditional IT kinds of requests, like being able to request new IT resources or reset passwords, create accounts, as well as doing facilities request.

So a simple example here is, if you wanted to submit a request to move an office, it prompts you for the regular kinds of information that you can then fill up and just submit the Order Now! button.

Michael Coté: And then on the backend, I mean for something like this, does it sort of involve the Facilities Manager and people in addition to IT staff?

CJ Paul: Yes, it does. We have different fulfillment workflows. Each of these Offerings can have their own unique fulfillment workflow that can route the request to the appropriate people, whether they are IT or Facilities.

Then, once the request is submitted, the status of the request can be seen here in the My Requests View, as both Graphical as well as List oriented. So you can see different requests that have been submitted and who actually it’s queued up for.

In this particular case, the user had submitted a service request that resulted in an incident that is queued up for the Service Desk Analyst, and they have also submitted the Office Move Request that is actually queued up for the Enduser Manager.

Michael Coté: Oh, right, right. So it’s kind of like tracking your package as it moves through the process?

CJ Paul: As it moves through the process, right. So this is the perspective for an end user. Let me now Sign Out of this tool and show you how it looks from the perspective of a Service Desk Analyst.

The Service Desk Analyst receives the incidents that are reported by the end users and it shows up on his queue. Again, he has the ability to look at the incoming incidents in different ways, either Graphical or in a List way, and then he can claim the incident ticket and then start working on it, assessing what went wrong, and then assigning the work to different people.

Michael Coté: And this guy is apparently a productivity genius, because he only has like a few tickets, huh?

CJ Paul: That’s right. Let me now Sign Out of the Service Desk Analyst View and show you the perspective of a Change Manager, which is another one of the user types that we support on this product.

Michael Coté: So this might be sort of a level above that Analyst version or someone monitoring the various processes, kind of taking a — they are trying to monitor everyone taking care of tickets and see how that’s working out.

CJ Paul: Yes, that’s one class of person. And other scenarios where, in response to the incident that was created, they might figure out that to fix the root cause, the underlying problem, they have to actually go deploy a patch to a application that is running.

Michael Coté: Right, right, right.

CJ Paul: And now you can look at the considerations around deploying the patch. When you deploy the patch, what are the business services that are going to be impacted if there is an outage.

Michael Coté: Right, right.

CJ Paul: So this tool provides you both textual as well as graphical feedback. One of the things you will notice here that is unique and differentiating is that, in the industry, most of the Service Desk Tools are essentially just ticketing systems. What we have done here is to take that a level further, to then do additional analytics that take the information in the CMDB, look at the relationships, and then we run rule-based impact assessments, to then show the user what the impacts would be.

Michael Coté: Oh, right. So you can do sort of, what’s the word I am looking for you, you can do sort of — forecasting is the wrong word, but you can kind of — you can do sort of simulations to see what might happen if you deploy a change?

CJ Paul: Yeah.

Michael Coté: Hopefully, helping you avoid breaking things when you make changes.

CJ Paul: Absolutely, yeah. The system actually can Calculate Impacts and show you the results in the Topology View. It can also work off of Historical data. So it combines the knowledge that you gain from different perspectives.

So I am going to switch here so we can take a look at this particular change. And in this particular case, you see that there is an update being made to the WebSphere Application Server, and in the Topology View below, it shows you the particular CIs that are going to be impacted, and the ones that are not going to be impacted.

Michael Coté: Oh, right. And that’s bringing in the Asset Management and other — the Inventory Management that you guys have.

CJ Paul: Yes. So as part of Change Management we can also ensure that if new changes or new software is deployed that we check out the appropriate software licenses before the software is deployed in the environment.

And then for the Change Manager as well as for the rest of the IT staff, we provide real-time visual feedback on the status of the work that is being performed.

So for example, if they wanted to get an understanding of what tasks are complete and what tasks are pending and what tasks are late. In this particular case, you will see that there was a patch being deployed to WebSphere and some of the tasks are complete, there is a particular task that is in progress, and then some other tasks are actually running a little bit behind.

Michael Coté: Oh, right, right. I mean, I assume kind of what’s happened here is, someone has requested some sort of change and the Change Manager, a team came together and charted out, here is what we need to do.

CJ Paul: Exactly!

Michael Coté: These are the steps to deploy that change.

CJ Paul: Yeah.

Michael Coté: And then as a manager they have come in and they can kind of see the, as we would say in the agile world, sort of a radiator of kind of what’s — how things are moving on, and you can actually get a sense of what’s happening and the state of things.

CJ Paul: In real-time, as it progresses.

Michael Coté: Right.

CJ Paul: So hopefully this has given you a quick feel for some of the capabilities of the tool.

Michael Coté: Yeah. Definitely! Well, I appreciate you taking all the time to walk us through that.

CJ Paul: Thank you.

Disclosure: IBM is a client and sponsored these videos.

Categories: Enterprise Software, RedMonkTV, Systems Management.

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Links for December 15th

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Links for December 13th through December 15th


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Categories: Links.

A new run at the Java PaaS – CloudBees buys Stax – Brief Note


CloudBees has purchased Stax Networks (see their write-up) to build out their ambitions to become the leading Java PaaS. Thus far, CloudBees has been known as the Hudson in the cloud company, running the continuous build tool in the cloud (on Amazon) for it’s beta users. Doing a build in the cloud is one thing, but tooling all of the activities around the build-test-deploy-run-repeat cycle is a bigger pie to eat from.

(As a minor note, by “Java PaaS” I mean “any VM-based language,” not just the Java language.)

Cloud ALM

There are many efforts underway to do “cloud ALM” though, wisely, no one calls it that. “ALM” has long been thought of as more of a bureaucratic-hell for developers than something useful. Still, for any sane organization the checks-and-balances and quality-through-process that ALM drives towards is required. It’s one thing for some slick .com to eschew ALM, but all those Toyota owners out there probably appreciate the mounds of process paperwork that ALM and higher paper-pushing practices stocked up.

As the diagram above shows, CloudBees is looking towards Stax to help them fill out the “deploy to production” part of that cloud ALM vision. I’d suggest that this “production” (the running of the code) is the area that needs the most innovation in the cloud space and is, therefore, the most difficult nut to crack. The idea of push button deployments to production is great, but the actual reality of deploying, diagnosing problems, rolling back, and so on get messy. And, indeed, solving those problems is (or should be) the value that a PaaS brings.

As a thought-experiment, I’d suggest that the ultimate PaaS would allow you to fire your entire ops team (as needed by the applications in that PaaS, at least) and just rely on the developers to run all that. Whether that’s a good idea or not is yet to be seen – I doubt developers want to strap a pager to their belt every night.

In essence, you need “fully automated provisioning” as some of the dev/ops crew would describe it.

It’s getting crowded

As a comparison, the Code2Cloud crew is tackling the problem from a tools perspective, where-as folks like CloudBees are going for an approach to build and own the entire ecosystem, not just service it. Another example: you can see this general idea being worked out in the mobile space by PhoneGap/build. I come across “build in the cloud” folks all the time now-a-days, and I expect to see even more of vendors moving the entire software development and deployment tool-chain into a cloud – if only “cloud-like” (CloudBees said they have an on-premise version for the weak-kneed) – environment.


Disclosure: CloudBees, TaskTop, and VMWare are clients.

Categories: Brief Notes, Cloud, Development Tools, Java.

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Links for December 13th IT hard at work

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Categories: Links.

Links for December 10th through December 12th

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Categories: Links.