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Links for December 23rd through January 4th

A little something extra…


Over the Christmas break (or “holiday,” if you prefer) my lovely wife upgraded my iPhone to the iPhone 3gs for my birthday. I’d been complaining about my old, iPhone 3g’s performance for much of the fall. I think I had that “you need to know less people” problem, meaning I’d loaded so many contacts, calenders, and other stuff that needed to be synced and managed over the air that the poor little iPhone couldn’t take it.

Or, you know, the usual Window-rot wherein any computer slows down after a year of usage. Seems the iPhone is not immune.

Anyhow, the new phone is great and speedy. So far no crashes from the usual suspect – Evernote, Foursquare – and applications load fast. Having more space for music and podcast storage is excellent as well. For my work here, the video recording should be a boon for nerd-on-the-spot interviews while I’m out and about.

The thing that kills me about this kind of thing – solving a computer problem by paying for an upgrade – is that I’m rewarding Apple for giving me a crappy experience.

The Links

Disclosure: see the RedMonk client list for clients mentioned.

Categories: Links.