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Screencast: Creating your own Firefox Search Plugin

Sometime ago, I promised Dennis that I’d record a screencast of how I created the RedMonk Firefox search plugin. On this day of learning to make screencasts then, here it is:

Here are the URLs for sites I used:

One thing I neglected to mention is that the OpenSearch template provided on the Firefox page is invalid XML: it needs the first line to <?xml version="1.0"?>. You can see that in the RedMonk OpenSearch XML file.

If the screencast and files don’t help out, feel free to contact me and we’ll see what we can do.

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Categories: Screencasts.

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5 Responses

  1. Very interesting!

    I loved it! Have a look if you want

    I’m sure will get many votes soon!

    Thanks for this screencast!

  2. actually kind of hard to see the screen in situ.

  3. Thanks for this simple tutorial.

    Now, the question is, how can you add your Google Co-op Opensearch feed to an aggregator like A9? That is, can you present the search results from your customised Google Co-op through another search portal . . .

    This would allow simultaneous searching across mutliple Opensearch feeds . . .

Continuing the Discussion

  1. […] While doing the screencasts last week, I noticed that YouTube allows you to send videos to it from your cellphone. From what I can see (with the usual I HATE VERIZON exceptions), it should work from my phone with my friendly, consumer-loving Verizon. […]

  2. […] using the OpenSearch format. It’s a little tricky, but Michael Cote’ of RedMonk has created a screencast showing how he did […]