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RedMonkGear Beta

Go, go, RedMonk!

In response to some recent (and past) comments on the topic, I put up a quick page of RedMonkGear. I have no graphical ability, so don’t expect any whiz-bang badges at the moment. Of course, those would be nice to have at some point 😉

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Categories: The Analyst Life.

Comment Feed

6 Responses

  1. Enjoy them 😉

  2. Yay – Redmonk schwag at last! As promised, have ordered a t-shirt to cover my ample chest (and stickers so I can put one on the laptop to p*ss off the systems guy, who’s just getting over the Apple sticker on my IBM t42)

  3. I'm willing to be a living advertisement for RedMonk.

  4. cote- you can have 200 bucks. first people that ask can get freebies. feel free to repost.

  5. oooooh. freebies. Pick me!

Continuing the Discussion

  1. […] As James said, we’re going to give away $200 worth of RedMonk schwag. So, if you’d like to get in line for a shirt and sticker, send me an email with your mailing address (email, and the first people to get in before we reach $200 will get some RedMonk gear in their mailbox sometime soon. Obviously, it’s first come first serve: two people are in line already (once they send me their address) […]