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OSGi in Java – Eclipse Equinox Screencast and Video Series

I recently wrapped up a 5 video series on Eclipse’s new vision and frameworks to provide a runtime environment based on OSGi. Eclipse is well know for it’s desktop, GUI framework and for the development tooling it providers. They’ve built a nice ecosystem for people large and small – from individuals, to Genuitec, to IBM, to Oracle+BEA, and more – to built tooling in. What’s new, and very much in the cards for 2008 is Eclipse moving into the server side, into an even more tooling and framework position for the Java world.

At the core of their strategy is OSGi, and the following 5 videos explain a large part of what Eclipse’s current plans and OSGi-based technologies are.

While I’ve posted each of these individually, I like to do a wrap-up post to have one URL to point to for the series.

Enterprise OSGi with Eric Newcomer

We start with an interview with Iona’s Eric Newcomer. As co-chair of the Enterprise OSGi working group, he’s part of the effort to move OSGi onto the server side. In discussing the continuing evolution of the Enteprise OSGi spec, we build up the context and background for the rest of the videos:

Component Oriented Development with Equinox

Next, I talk with Jeff McAffer about using OSGi in Java to do component oriented development. This two part screencast gives you a quick intro to using Equinox, Eclipse’s OSGi runtime and framework, and then walks through an example of using OSGi for packaging (or “bundles”) and service definitions:

Ajax with Eclipse – RAP Overview

As part of the move to provide more than just desktop frameworks, Eclipse’s RAP project provides a framework for creating Ajax front-ends. In the two part screencast, Jochen Krause walks us through the ideas behind RAP and then demonstrates using building a front-end:

OSGi on the Server-side

To go over an example of using OSGi on the server-side, I talked with Ricco Deutscher of the Eclipse Swordfish project. Swordfish brings together several SOA technologies, glued together with OSGi with the hopes of creating a better way of doing SOA:

SODA – Deployment and Management of Devices

Finally, as one example of using OSGi and Eclipse as technologies to deliver an application, I talked with Andy Smith about the Stepstone project which provides an example of using SODA for home medical monitoring devices.

Disclaimer: Eclipse is a client and sponsored these videos. Genuitec, IBM, and IBM are also clients.

Categories: Development Tools, Enterprise Software, Java, Open Source, Programming, RedMonkTV, Screencasts.

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. […] People Over Process » OSGi in Java – Eclipse Equinox Screencast and Video Series I recently wrapped up a 5 video series on Eclipse’s new vision and frameworks to provide a runtime environment based on OSGi. Eclipse is well know for it’s desktop, GUI framework and for the development tooling it providers. They’ve built a nice eco (tags: eclipse framework java osgi presentation programming screencast software tutorial video equinox) […]

  2. […] more background we have some great RedMonkTV shows about OSGi, Equinox and so […]