Heading to the airport in about 30 minutes to catch a flight out to JFK, from whence I’m make my way over to the Hyatt Regency in Old Greenwich, CT for an IBM Intellectual Property conference. Should be an interesting set of sessions, and I’m looking forward to chatting with some of the IBMers on issues relating to IP – issues which I hold some strong opinions on.
The good news re: travel? The new self titled Pearl Jam album arrived on Saturday, and is now being loaded onto sogpod. There are few things better than a fresh PJ album, although I’d probably trade it for being here (this was shot right next to where a friend of mine was standing, apparently).
The bad news? I’m going to be in enemy territory for the first Red Sox / Yankees clash of the season. Some of you may object, saying that Connecticut is technically part of New England and thus Red Sox nation, but alas, a sizable majority of the wayward citizens of that otherwise fine state have chosen to foresake their rightful roots and pledge allegiance to the evil empire. Most unfortunate.
Anyhow, wish me luck getting from JFK to CT in the middle of rush hour. Should be a ton of fun. I may have something for you when I hit the east coast, and I’m going to spend a bit of time working on an “About” page. Been meaning to do that for a while, and Bill’s entry here reminded me. What say we finish those together, Bill?