Since my colleague has spilled the beans, I might as well come clean and let everyone know that the long promised RedMonk Wiki is now live at It’s only 7 months late; compared to some of the software companies we cover, that’s almost early (joking guys, joking).
Anyway, I kicked back into wiki evaluator mode over the last few weeks, and had the benefit of some excellent feedback from some of the fine folks at Sun (James Todd, Vijay Anand – and thanks to Tim Bray for directing us their way), Andy Fundinger – one of the folks behind eWiki, and some recommendations via IM from Atariboy. And James, let me know if I forgot anyone.
The recommendation shortlist looked something like this:
- eWiki
- Instiki
- MediaWiki
- SnipSnap
MoinMoin and PHPWiki also got some recommendations as well. My requirements looked like this:
- Large community
- Ability to export contents
- Customizable look and feel
- Ease of use
- Scripting based language implementation (PHP, etc)
- Uses Apache
These are partially because of what fits our needs, but mostly because I’m the one who’s going to be admining it.
So from our list SnipSnap was out (sorry James 😉 because I didn’t feel like I had the time to get Tomcat up and running, though this was a hard decision because SnipSnap is just cool. Instiki was next, and the embedded HTTP server wasn’t ideal for our setup, so that was out (sorry Atariboy ;). That left eWiki and MediaWiki, and on this one I basically looked at what the Hula and Mono folks were doing, and decided that MediaWiki would be a good bet (sorry Andy ;). Given its exporting abilities, however, we should in theory be able to switch if it becomes necessary. Thanks to everyone for their feedback and suggestions; it was a big, big help.
So what’s on the RedMonk Wiki? Well…not much. Yet. We’ve got part of COA up, as James noted, but as I was reformatting the table into HTML on Friday the Windows 2K box I was working on bluescreened and I haven’t had time to finish it up yet.
What will go on the Wiki? Many things, we hope. But for now, I’ll use the old vendor favorite: stay tuned 😉
Update: Ryan was kind enough to point out that our subdomain, actually was *not* working, so until I get a chance to see what the issue is there, use the direct link: Thanks, Ryan.