In case some of you had clicked on About link on the blog and were subsequently deposited back on, my apologies. I still haven’t had the time to figure out what in our Apache config is preventing me from fixing our broken .htaccess files (if there any Apache wizards lurking I’d love to hear from you), but I did correct the link and redid the page. In the process I dropped some Dojo Tooltip love; mouseover the contact information to see it in action. Dojo’s obviously overkill and somewhat gratuitous for something this simple, but I’ve been meaning to play around with it and it’s pretty easy to work with. The documentation is sparse, and there’s not a lot of hand-holding, but once you get started it seems fairly straightforward (note: use relative rather than absolute links to the scripts).
I was going to trial Dojo in my instance of Eclipse, but the Ajax Toolkit Framework looks to be only compatible with 3.2, so I did everything by hand.