jellyfish are becoming hugely (and newly) problematic in waters they’ve never been an issue in previously. the answer probably isn’t as simple as global warming, but if folks think something massive and dangerous isn’t at work, they’re fooling themselves.
“When you have someone good, why try to make them move if they can be just as effective where they’re living?” – an excellent question
a bit over the top, but still pretty funny
wherein the Joyent gang takes on some of the issues with Sun’s hardware sales model; not the first time we’ve heard this. guess it’s a good thing for Sun that Dell’s OEMing Solaris now 😉
given that this advocates a “not out-desktopping the desktop” approach, it should come as no surprise that i’m in violent agreement. while i remain unconvinced that the current Online Desktop vision is correct, i’m a big believer in the opportunity.
links for 2007-11-22
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