
Happy New Year

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While I’m too lazy at the moment (I am, after all, on vacation) to provide the detailed 2006 “Year in Review” pieces you’ve likely read elsewhere, I did want to take a minute and thank everyone for another great year here at RedMonk. We’ve had our ups and downs this year, as we will every year, but on the whole it was a year of significant growth, interesting new opportunities, a number of fun projects, and some excellent community interaction. Too much travel, perhaps, but the benefits have to have costs.

We, perhaps more than any other industry analysis firm, are dependent on both our extended community and the various communities we track – both open source and otherwise. Put more bluntly, the success that we’ve had this year is as attributable to all of you as it is to us. That is a debt that we do our best to repay, both by being open ourselves and using what influence we have to communities’ benefit, but I suspect that despite our best intentions we’ll always be taking more than we can give. All I can say, then, is thank you – all of you (yeah, I know I’m pulling a Time). You made 2006 a terrific year for RedMonk in general, and myself in particular.

I’ll be sharing some thoughts on 2007 shortly, but in the interim I wish you all continued health, happiness, success and so on for the new year. Except for the Yankee fans in the audience; for you guys, it’s just the health and happiness.