First, the miracles: I managed to make it into Westchester airport safe, sound and on time. Not only that, but my checked luggage (had to check it because I got yet another conference bag in Orlando – how I wish the handouts were something smaller) arrived with me. That’s fortunate, since I’m in my travel clothes and would have had to show up at an engagement tomorrow wearing jeans, boots, a Patagonia fleece shirt and my Sox hat (I have to think, incidentally, that my attire is at least part of the reason Josh got the impression that I was laid back ;).
As for the meetups, despite my sadly brief stay in Orlando, it was a very productive visit. Lots of good feedback and conversation on Notes/Domino/Workplace etc, which I may share another time, but also had the opportunity to meetup with two of the folks on my blogroll.
First, I had the pleasure of having a drink or two with Mr. Chris Bryne, AKA the Business Controls Caddy, who more than lived up to his reputation as the man for all things compliance. Apparently, Compliance Solutions Advisor magazine recognized the skills, as they invited him at a very funny Sun/AXS-One launch party to join their editorial advisory board, and he accepted. Congrats, Chris, and congrats CSA – it’s a good move.
Then, Josh Hallett was kind enough to head all the way out to the airport to meet me at the Orlando Starbucks, where I was dutifully capturing their power outlet locations. Face to face meetings with folks you only know through email, phone or blogs are always great b/c there’s no latency and you learn all kinds of cool things. Josh was telling me about an intriguing project involving digital asset management, distribution and offical race timekeeping which got my mind turning over a bit, and of course we had the standard discussion that I inflict on the majority of people I talk with these days. By virtue of a long association with the PR industry, however, Josh was able to give me a few interesting insights about concerns that users have with those types of services – things I hadn’t heard before. Unfortunately, I had to run off because Delta decided that I didn’t deserve a real seat, just a “seat request”, but as you’ve heard I did manage to get here.
So all in all, despite my difficulties in getting down there, was a good trip to FLA. Thanks to both Chris and Josh for making the effort to connect, and IBM/Lotus for the invite. Got a project to do here tomorrow, then I head for home (weather permitting).