
Calling Feedburner…

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Given how quickly my colleague and I have received replies from the good folks over at Feedburner previously, I’m going to post my question here and see how quick it gets picked up. You hear me, Feedburner? This is a test 😉

Basically, the issue is with my Bloglines metrics. Bloglines is telling me I have 31 subscribers currently, which I’m psyched about, and for the most part Feedburner has tracked that number. But within the past few days it’s jumped significantly two or three times, and now Feedburner tells me I have 54 readers on Bloglines. For the math challenged among you, that’s a discrepancy of 23 readers. It also says that

This circulation number is calculated across 4 different aliases for your feed.

So my question is this: what aliases? Are these the old feed addresses that I’m transparently redirecting over to my burned feed? If so, why doesn’t Bloglines count those (I know Feedburner can’t answer that one)? If not, what are they?

Hardly a critical issue, of course, but I am curious as to whether the new subscribers I’ve picked up are merely log phantoms or real people.

Either way, more and more people are making their way over here, so thanks to all you newcomers for stopping by.