So last night I was headed over to a friend’s house for a bit of wireless network and printer debugging, when in the middle of Speer Blvd (Denver’s equivalent of the West Side Highway, for NYC’ers – and sort of like Storrow Dr in Boston, traffic-wise) my car mysteriously starts slowing down. Give it some more gas, the tachometer dutifully revs up to 6000 RPMs, but still no more power to the front wheels. My initial diagnosis (the dealership hasn’t had a chance to look at it yet) is a blown transmission or at least linkage, as the engine seems to be just fine; it’s simply not transferring any power to the drive wheels.
But you know what? This just isn’t that big a deal. The fact that this is the same transmission I dropped a couple of grand into eight months and about 10 thousand miles ago made me a bit unhappy (until I found out the work’s covered by a 3 yr warranty ;), for sure. But it’s nothing to get worked up over. Losing your house to Katrina? That’s something to get worked up over (very sorry for your sister, John).
So as I’m wont to do from time to time, and as John Clingan reminds us, let me encourage you to please donate to the people with real troubles if you have anything to spare. I’ve given a bit already, and promise to give more once I get word from the garage 🙂
Update: Forgot to provide a link to donate – here it is.