After enjoying a few short days in my new place, it’s now time to return home to package up the office, load everything up, and roll on out here. So as my Wiki schedule says, I’ll be out of the office basically tomorrow thru next Wednesday. I’m not just going offline, I’m looking forward to a few days of mental recess. If you have something urgent – and I mean really urgent – use my cell (617.302.9757). Otherwise, here are a few post recess thoughts and I’ll check back in with you guys in a few days.
- C++ Comments: I know it’s almost a cliche at this point to say that your readers are smarter than you, but check out the comments on my C++/Java/C# post and see if you think I’m wrong.
- Pragmatic Environmentalism?: For those of you who find the types of issues I discussed in my Earth Day post of interest, I highly recommend you check out this link from my colleague, and this one from a Wagged person (who, as always, should feel free to take credit if they choose to). I found both insightful, for differing reasons.
- AT&T is Hell: Evan Williams is apparently having trouble with the Vonage phone support, and that will undoubtedly damage their chances of winning my personal landline business, but that’s nothing compared to my experience this week with AT&T’s Small Business Services this week. All I wanted to do was a.) update my new address, b.) change the “ring to” number on our toll-free line (that’s done now, BTW). First challenge? Find a support number; try it yourself. They not only hid it, they buried it completely. Note to AT&T: if you want to drive people to customer self-service, you need to actually have self-service functions on your website. Being able to print out reports is nice, but not what I needed to do. Next challenge: (having pulled the number off of a bill I had to use IE to download (their Javascript prompt didn’t work in FF), actually getting through the IVR. As soon as it got my account number or original phone service number, it told me to visit the website, then hung up on me. I eventually outlasted it and got a person by refusing to provide any info. If I find another decent toll-free/long distance provider, I’m gone. I don’t mind self-service if you let me; but directing me to a site where I can’t accomplish what I need to is infuriating.
- Cheap Racks?: I got a fascinating little technical present in the mail today – which I’ll blog all about when I get back next week – and now find myself in need of a rack. Given that I no longer have the 1600 sq office in Bath, but am working out of the house, I’d like both cheap and small. Suggestions greatly appreciated.
And with that, I leave you all for a few days. Next time you hear from me I’ll be a semi-permanent (summers in ME are really, really nice 🙂 Denver resident.