
The King Design is Dead, Long Live Crowd Favorite

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Rebranding is never easy, as some of you know far better than I. AT&T will reportedly be spending billions to reimage its newly acquired Cingular business, shortly after its Cingular business spent billions rebranding its newly acquired AT&T Wireless business. Yes, that seriously happened.

Fortunately, it’s usually not quite that costly a challenge for most of us. Case in point is Alex’s recent transition from King Design to Crowd Favorite.

His description of the rebranding effort will be useful, I think, for other businesses or projects that decide (or are compelled, as in the case of Pidgin) to rebrand themselves. It covers theme transitions, URI redirection, and – of course – the actual rebranding (check out the pasted over logo; it’s simple, but clever). And yes, for the technically inclined, it does include the actual mod_rewrite rules.

Alex has demonstrated his expertise in these areas before, of course, as the brains behind RedMonk’s migration from Movable Type to WordPress. But his own efforts are more all-encompassing, and likely to be of interest.

Anyway, if you’re an SMB or project and tasked with a name change, give it a read. And check out Crowd Favorite, formerly King Design.