it’s amazing that it takes third parties to come up with this kind of hugely useful service, but perhaps it shouldn’t be: there are few industries less innovative and creative than the music industry.
i had no idea that Ken Tremendous of FireJoeMorgan.com fame was actually Michael Schur, a writer for the Office. though i don’t watch the show, i hear good things, so it shouldn’t surprise me that FJM is as good as it is.
congrats to Lauren on the new gig; we’ll miss working with her over at IBM’s IM division, but i’m sure we’ll hear from her in the new role.
though i’m not a Dodgers fan and thus get to hear him but rarely, Scully is a pure joy to listen to. here’s hoping he doesn’t call it quits.
“There are plenty of problems with large scale farming, in terms of quality of food, threats to the environment, badly implemented government subsidies, and so on. At the same time, it’s the only way to feed everyone cheaply and efficiently.”
links for 2008-05-04
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