Verizon? open? would be great news, and actually could compel me to switch back, but i’ll believe it when i see it. of all the carriers, they’ve been the most closed and most likely to cripple their own devices. which is why i’m now an AT&T customer.
can’t wait for the debate on this one
Earth Class Mail is currently in the lead for my mail forwarding business, though Bongo is still in the mix. thoughts, pro or con, are certainly appreciated.
“I can’t reconcile that OSS is game changing, yet is only estimated to represent < 2% of customer spending in 2011." – point taken. but at the same time, how much of that budget traditionally has been shelfware? and what of the pricing deltas?
will have to test this out to see whether it is indeed the 3G network that’s causing the problem. haven’t had luck yet, and Denver is under the 3G umbrella.
links for 2007-12-06
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