“As difficult as it is to understand, the majority are often wrong, short-sighted and ill-informed.” – amen
“One thing I’ve been predicting to everyone who’ll listen is that like deployment and scalability, serious IDE support is on the way for Ruby. ” – indeed it is
charter for OpenJDK is here
Danese on the Linux Foundation Summit – bummed i couldn’t be there
meant to link to this before, but probably the best analysis of the Facebook API that i’ve seen by a large margin
pinged this into the #redmonk the other day, but this is an interesting acquisition: no idea what BT has planned, but congrats to Jeremy
interesting research behind teams and success factors
Cote! Zombies!
congrats to WordPress for another significant win, and kudos to jdub for a job well done
“In my part of the world, Scala doesn’t make Google results front page. Give it a month.” – if that
“Read-mostly applications — ones you use for reference and just need a local copy of — are pretty important” – completely agree
links for 2007-06-16
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