Many of the more interesting mashups you’ll see have to do with weather data, right? Things like Weatherbonk, QED Wiki, Deep Thunder, and so on.
So here’s my idea: mash up the weather data with my travel data. For example, I visit San Francisco last week, and it’s automatically cold and rainy. Tomorrow night’s forecast for my arrival into NYC?
Low: 27 °F RealFeel®: 7 °F
Breezy with snow mixing with sleet, accumulating 1-3 inches
And let’s not forget the time I brought single digit temperatures to both Boston and Denver in the same week.
So use ManyEyes or the platform of your choice, but do it ASAP please. The sooner you complete your task, the sooner that cities across the US band together and contribute to a fund that bans me from future travel. I am a living, breathing weather nightmare and I must be stopped.
Disclaimer: Several of the services listed are IBM AlphaWorks properties, and IBM is a RedMonk customer.