Could you let them know that they’ve got a bit of a bug with their syndicated search feeds? Well, I presume they do, as the normal on site search returns non-duplicated results.
For some reason, however, for the past several weeks my vanity search for “tecosystems” in Technorati has been positively overrun with duplicates. Pictured here are multiple repetitive links to Catherine Helzerman’s interview with James – which is excellent and highly worth reading, but not something I need to be reminded of a dozen times per day – but Bob Sutor’s’ links from 10-26-06 have received the same obsessive treatment in the past.
So if you know the folks at Technorati, would much appreciate the passing along of this message. If you think that it’s a non-Technorati problem, on the other hand, I’m all ears.
Thanks much in advance.