the Gambler’s wisdom never gets old; i’d argue, however, that some of the services mentioned here could not have taken off were they not acquired given the costs of scaling (maybe EC2 can change that)
and the InnoDB issue gets even further into the rearview mirror; need to look into who’s using the engines in production, because i still do ususually see either MyISAM or InnoDB
fascinating: clustered grid web hosting layering on top of EC2 – i’m more of a believer in that every day
see specifically Marten’s response here; you really have to hand it to MySQL, they have the community relations bit down cold
Matt’s notes from Google’s talk at MySQL Camp at Google – got all that?
“Total amount spent on S3: $84,255.25…Total savings: $339,430.75” – the economics here are interesting in a profound way
REST is to WS-* as DIYs are to the W3C, OASIS, etc
the Joyent folks weigh in on some of the questions raised in my Do Operating Systems matter posts, among other things; interesting podcast
indemnify them from what, precisely?
links for 2006-11-17
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