I liked vacation so much, I need some more. As a result, I will not be in the office tomorrow, though I will be infrequently checking voicemail (assuming that wherever I’m at on the water gets an adequate signal) and email (if I can design some sort of reliable watertight satchel between now and tomorrow afternoon). As you might have guessed, the plan is to spend most of tomorrow on the boat, and this will probably not be an infrequent occurence the last few weeks of August as I try to wring all the fun I can out of the time I have left here in Maine. Should you have an urgent need of me, feel free to try the cell but your best bet is going to be Cote.
P.S. The fact that there’s a Yankees/Sox doubleheader tomorrow starting at 1 PM has nothing to do with the fact that I won’t be in the office. Nothing, you hear me?
P.P.S. In a late breaking development, a friend of mine from Boston has secured me a seat at my personal Mecca Fenway Park for Saturday’s game; if you’ll be in the environs, give me a call. Chatting w/ Erik (check out the seats he had) today on the #redmonk IRC channel (why we didn’t think of that before is beyond me), he’ll be there, so I’m going to try and meet up with him. If you’ll be there too, be sure to drop me a line – 617.320.9757.