
Upcoming Appearances, Events, and Travel

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Another week, another road trip. The next few weeks should be busy ones, with a combination of travel, events, and my migration out east to Maine for the summer. Here’s a quick rundown on the upcoming schedule:

  • RSDC (Mon-Wed):
    I’ll be flying in to Orlando Monday around noon from Denver, to attend the Rational Software Development Conference. I would not be surprised if the staff at the Walt Disney Swan and Dolphin hotels knows my name by now, as it seems as if I’m there once a month.

  • Governance Implications of Adopting SOA Panel (Mon, 4 PM):
    If you happen to be there, definitely stop by the panel I’m moderating. The title is a bit stuffy, but I plan on exploring notions of service orientation from the perspective of both IBM and enterprise panelists – will try to keep it entertaining and informative.

  • Migration to PostgreSQL Webinar (Tues, 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET):
    Tuesday, I’m delighted to be speaking at a Postgres oriented webinar on behalf of our client Greenplum. I’ll be talking about general open source trends within the enterprise, while the real stars of the show, Postgres’ Josh Berkus and Feedounge’s Scott Sanders, will be discussing migration strategies and Postgres experiences respectively. Will post a link to the sign up page as soon as I have one, but highly recommend it if you’re interested in Postgres or open source databases. As promised, here’s the link.

  • RSDC Blogger Meetup (Tues, 6-8 PM ET):
    Tuesday evening will find me at the bar right by the escalators in the Dolphin for the first ever RSDC bloggers meetup. As John mentions, I talked to the folks from IBM briefly about putting this on, and my advice was: keep it simple, and offer free drinks. So if you’ll be at RSDC, don’t let me down – I fought to get you free booze 😉 Hope to see you all there.

  • Denver Tech Meetup (Thurs?):
    If any of you Denver residents are available next Thursday evening at around 6 or 6:30, I propose that we convene the June installment of the Denver Tech Meetup. Drop me a line and let me know if you can make it, as it’ll be one of my last free evenings here in Denver until September (though I’ll almost certainly be back once or twice during the summer).

  • Week of the 12th:
    This is where things start getting complicated. Either Sunday the 11th or Monday the 12th will find me out east, flying to Boston. What is as yet undetermined is whether or not Azrael will be making the flight with me. In all likelihood, she will be, in which case I’ll drop her at the family place in Maine Sunday, then spend Monday and Tuesday in Boston at the Microsoft Server and Tools Analyst Summit at the Hilton Boston. Following this conference, I’ll be flying back to Denver, only to pack the car and begin driving to the east coast Wednesday or Thursday morning. Friday night I’ll be visting with my parents in NJ, Saturday I’ll be down at the Jersey Shore for a wedding, and then Sunday I’ll drive the final 7 or 8 hours back to Maine. In all likelihood, then, as of Monday the 19th I will once again be East Coast based. If only for a couple of months.

Get all of that? Good, because I didn’t. I have no idea how all of this is going to come together in the next two weeks, but with some fixed deadlines I don’t have much of a choice. Will be sure to keep everyone in the loop as far as to my availability and contact situation. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend – I’ll be spending a good part of mine cleaning and packing.

Update: Added a link to the Greenplum webinar.