
About Page

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One other minor RedMonk related item: I’ve just written an “About” page, and you can hop to it at sogrady.org. I’m always slightly irked when I wander across someone’s blog but can’t figure out who they are or what they do. But as the wise men from Pearl Jam remind us (the new album is excellent, incidentally), when we hate something it’s usually because we do it too. Up until now, my blog provided little in the way of context for someone just happening across this space. The new page doesn’t provide a whole lot of specifics, but it’s a start and I’ll be adding more.

Before you proceed, understand that I’ve spent zero effort making it pretty. Maybe I’ll do that later, but don’t hold your breath. I’ve also yanked things like my contact links, Flickr pics, and Last.fm badges off because they’re now to be housed over there.

If you have other things that you’d like to know, drop me a line, and if you have examples of other good About pages I’d appreciate links.